Im Uhrzeigersinn von oben links: 42. Straßenfassade; U-Bahn-Schuppen und Gleise; Haupthalle; ikonische Uhr auf dem Infostand
89 East 42nd Street, Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Im Besitz von
Betrieben mit
Leitung (en) [19659010] Hauptstraße Park Avenue
44: 43 Inselplattformen, 1 Seitenplattform (6 Spuren mit spanischer Lösung)
67: 56 Fahrgastgleise (30 im Obergeschoss, 26 in der unteren Ebene) 43 im Einsatz für den Personenverkehr 11 Abstellgleise
MTA New York City Subway: Züge in Grand Central – 42. Straße NYCT-Bus: M1, M2, M3, M4, M101, M102, M103, Q32 NYCT-Bus, MTA-Bus, Academy-Bus: Expressdienste
Zugang für Behinderte
Zugänglich [N 1] [19659018] Weitere Informationen
Offizielle Website
Wichtige Termine
Eröffnet am 2. Februar 1913
Passagiere (FY 2017)
66.952.732 Jährlich, basierend auf einer wöchentlichen Schätzung [2]
Grand Central Terminal
Interaktive Karte, die das Grand Central Terminal hervorhebt
Grand Central Terminal (19459055] GCT ; auch als Grand Central Station oder einfach als Grand Central bezeichnet) ist ein Pendler Bahnhof in der 42nd Street und Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Grand Central ist die südliche Endstation der Harlem-, Hudson- und New Haven-Linien der Metro-North Railroad, die die nördlichen Teile des Großraums New York bedienen. Es enthält auch eine Verbindung zur New Yorker U-Bahn in der Grand Central-42nd Street. Das Terminal ist nach der Toronto Union Station und der New York Penn Station der drittgrößte Bahnhof in Nordamerika.
Die unverwechselbare Architektur und Innenausstattung des Bahnhofs des Grand Central Terminals hat ihm mehrere Wahrzeichen verliehen, darunter auch ein nationales historisches Wahrzeichen. Sein Beaux-Arts-Design umfasst zahlreiche Kunstwerke. Das Grand Central Terminal ist eine der zehn meistbesuchten Touristenattraktionen der Welt, [7] mit 21,9 Millionen Besuchern im Jahr 2013 ohne Zug- und U-Bahn-Passagiere. [8] Die Haupthalle des Terminals wird häufig als Treffpunkt genutzt und ist besonders in Filmen und im Fernsehen zu sehen. Das Grand Central Terminal verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Geschäften und Lebensmittelhändlern, darunter ein Food Court in der unteren Etage.
Das Grand Central Terminal wurde von der New York Central Railroad gebaut und benannt. es diente auch der New Yorker, New Haven und Hartford Railroad und später Nachfolgern der New York Central. Das 1913 eröffnete Terminal wurde auf dem Gelände von zwei gleichnamigen Vorgängerstationen errichtet, von denen die erste 1871 entstand. Das Grand Central Terminal diente Intercity-Zügen bis 1991, als Amtrak seine Züge durch die nahegelegene Penn Station fuhr. Das East Side Access-Projekt, das die Long Island Rail Road zum Terminal bringen wird, wird voraussichtlich Ende 2022 abgeschlossen sein.
Grand Central erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 19 Hektar und verfügt über 44 Bahnsteige, mehr als jeder andere Bahnhof der Welt. Seine Plattformen, alle unter der Erde, dienen 30 Spuren auf der oberen Ebene und 26 auf der unteren Ebene. Derzeit werden 43 Strecken für den Personenverkehr eingesetzt. zwei Dutzend mehr dienen als Bahnhof und Abstellgleise. Weitere acht Gleise und vier Plattformen werden als Teil von East Side Access auf zwei neuen Ebenen unter der vorhandenen Station gebaut.
Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Stationen im Metro-North-System befindet sich das Grand Central Terminal im Besitz der Midtown Trackage Ventures, einer privaten Firma, und nicht der Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), die Metro-North und die meisten ihrer Stationen einschließlich betreibt Grand Central.
Das Grand Central Terminal wurde von und für die New York Central Railroad benannt, die die Station und ihre beiden Vorläufer auf dem Gelände errichtete. Es war "immer umgangssprachlich und liebevoll als Grand Central Station bekannt", der Name seines unmittelbaren Vorläufers [9] [10] [N 2] das ab 1900 funktionierte. [12] bis 1910 [13] und dessen Name auch mit der nahe gelegenen Station der US-Poststation in der 450 Lexington Avenue [14] und umgangssprachlich mit dem Grand U-Bahnstation Central – 42. Straße neben dem Terminal [15]
Services [ edit
Commuter rail [] ].
Das Grand Central Terminal bedient jährlich rund 67 Millionen Passagiere, mehr als jede andere Metro-Nordstation. [2] [16] Zur Stoßzeit am Morgen kommt ein Zug alle 58 Sekunden am Terminal an. [17]
Drei der fünf Hauptlinien von Metro-North enden in Grand Central: [18]
Through Von diesen Linien aus bedient das Terminal Metro-North Pendler, die von und zur Bronx in New York City reisen. Grafschaften Westchester, Putnam und Dutchess in New York; und Grafschaften von Fairfield und New Haven in Connecticut [18]
Verbindungsdienste [ edit
Die nahegelegene Haltestelle Grand Central - 42nd Street der New York City Subway Station dient diesen Routen : [19]
Diese MTA-Regionalbusbetriebsbusse halten in der Nähe von Grand Central: [1] [20]
Ortsbusse M1, M2, M3, M4 und Q32 an der Madison Avenue (Richtung Norden) und der Fifth Avenue (Richtung Süden)
X27, X28, X37, X38, SIM4C, SIM6, SIM8, SIM8, SIM8, SIM22, SIM25 Expressbusse SIM26, SIM30, SIM31 und SIM33C an der Madison Avenue (Norden)
X27, X28, X37, X38, SIM4C, SIM8, SIM8X, SIM25, SIM31 und SIM33C Expressbusse an der Fifth Avenue (Süden)
M42 Lokalbus an der 42nd Street
M101, M102 und M103 Lokalbusse an der Third Avenue (Norden) und Lexington Avenue (Süden)
X27, X28, X63, X64 und X68 Expressbusse an der Third Avenue (Norden)
Expressbusse SIM6, SIM11, SIM22 und SIM26 in der Lexington Avenue (Richtung Süden)
BxM3, BxM4, BxM6, BxM7, BxM8, BxM9, BxM10, BxM18, BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4 und BM5 Expressbusse an der Madison Avenue (Norden) und der Fifth Avenue (Süden)
BxM1 Expressbus bei Lexington Avenue (Richtung Süden)
BxM1, QM21, QM31, QM32, QM34, QM35, QM36, QM40, QM42, QM42 und QM44 an der Third Avenue (Norden)
Expressbusse SIM23 und SIM24 an der Madison Avenue (Norden) und der Fifth Avenue (Süden)
Frühere Dienste [ edit ]
Das Terminal und seine Vorgänger waren für den Intercity-Verkehr konzipiert , das von der Fertigstellung des ersten Bahnhofsgebäudes im Jahr 1871 bis zum Betrieb von Amtrak im Terminal im Jahr 1991 funktionierte. Durch Umbuchungen konnten die Passagiere an alle wichtigen Linien in den Vereinigten Staaten angeschlossen werden, einschließlich der kanadischen der Empire Builder der San Francisco Zephyr der Southwest Limited der Crescent und der Sunset Limited unter Amtrak. Zu den Destinationen gehörten San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vancouver, New Orleans, Chicago und Montreal. [21] Ein weiterer bemerkenswerter ehemaliger Zug war New York Central (19459088) 20th Century Limited (19459089), ein Luxus-Service, der zwischen 1902 und 1967 zur Chicagoer LaSalle Street Station verkehrte und zu den berühmtesten Zügen seiner Zeit gehörte. [22] [22] [22] 19659091] [23]
Geplante Dienste [ edit
Die Metropolitan Transportation Authority plant, die Nahverkehrszüge der Long Island Rail Road als Teil ihres Projekts East Side Access zu befördern. [24] Das Projekt wird das Terminal mit der Hauptlinie der Eisenbahn verbinden, [25] die alle Filialen der LIRR und fast alle ihre Stationen verbindet. [26] Ab 2018 [update] wird der Dienst voraussichtlich Ende 2022 beginnen. [27] [28]
Interieur [] ]
Der ursprüngliche Vorschlag des Grand Central Terminals, New Yorks Vizepräsident William J. Wilgus, enthielt zwei Passagierebenen: die obere Ebene für Intercity-Züge und die untere Ebene für Pendlerzüge. Der gegenwärtige Main Concourse wurde von abfliegenden Intercity-Passagieren genutzt, während der gegenwärtige Dining Concourse darunter von Pendlern genutzt wurde. [29] [30] Dies ermöglichte die Trennung von Intercity- und Pendler-Rail-Passagieren, aber mit der Einstellung des Intercity-Service wird diese Trennung nicht mehr angewandt. [29] Der ursprüngliche Plan für das Innere von Grand Central wurde von Reed und Stem entworfen, einige Arbeiten von Whitney Warren von Warren und Wetmore. [31] [32] Das 19 Hektar große Untergeschoss des Grand Central Terminals gehört zu den größten der Stadt. [33]
Main Concourse [ edit ]
Mittlerer Fußgängerverkehr im Main Concourse
Zwei der zehn Kronleuchter der Concierse, die zur Reinigung gesenkt wurden, 2013
Die Main Concourse, ursprünglich als Express Concourse bekannt, befindet sich auf der oberen Plattformebene von Grand Central im geographischen Zentrum des Bahnhofsgebäudes. Normalerweise mit lebhaften Menschenmassen gefüllt und oft als Treffpunkt genutzt, [34] misst die höhlenartige Halle 275 Fuß (84 m) lang und 37 Fuß (375 Quadratfuß) insgesamt (ungefähr 35.000 Quadratfuß insgesamt) [35] ) bei einer Höhe von 38 Fuß (38 Fuß). [36] [37] [38] : 74 nennen den "großen" Status des Terminals. [31]
Die Haupthalle enthält eine elliptische Tonnengewölbe-Decke. Ursprüngliche Pläne forderten, dass die Decke ein Oberlicht enthalten sollte, was jedoch nicht praktikabel war. [39] Stattdessen enthält die Decke ein aufwändig verziertes Wandgemälde von Konstellationen. [40] [41] [42] Das himmlische Wandgemälde wurde 1912 von Warren und Helleu konzipiert und von Hewlett-Basing Studio ausgeführt. [43] Die Decke enthält mehrere astronomische Ungenauigkeiten: Die Sterne in einigen Konstellationen erscheinen korrekt wie auf der Erde, andere Konstellationen sind von links nach rechts umgekehrt, ebenso wie die Gesamtanordnung der Konstellationen an der Decke. Obwohl die astronomischen Unstimmigkeiten im Jahr 1913 prompt von einem Pendler bemerkt wurden, [44] wurden sie in keiner der nachfolgenden Renovierungen der Decke korrigiert. [45] 19460796] An anderen Teilen der Decke sind zehn kugelförmige Kronleuchter im Beaux-Arts-Stil aufgehängt, von denen jeder 360 kg wiegt [46] und 110 Glühlampen enthält. [47]
Der Bahnhof wird von diesen Kronleuchtern und großen Fenstern in den östlichen und westlichen Mauern beleuchtet. [48] Jede Wand hat drei Rundbogenfenster mit einer Höhe von etwa 18 Metern, [41] die in Größe und Form den drei an der Südfassade des Terminals entsprechen. [4] Laufstege, die hauptsächlich für Wartungsarbeiten verwendet werden, laufen über die Ost- und Westfenster. [49] [50] Ihre Fußböden bestehen aus halbtransparentem Bergkristall und sind zwei Zentimeter dick. [51]
Die Ticketstände befinden sich im Main Concourse, obwohl viele seit der Einführung des Tickets geschlossen oder umverteilt wurden Verkaufsautomaten. Die große amerikanische Flagge der Halle wurde wenige Tage nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September auf das World Trade Center installiert. [34] [11]
Die oberen Strecken sind vom Main aus zu erreichen Concierse oder aus verschiedenen Fluren und von ihr abzweigenden Gängen [52]
Die Main Concierse ist an den meisten Seiten von Balkonen umgeben. An der Ostseite befindet sich ein Apple Store, an der Westseite das italienische Restaurant Cipriani Dolci (Teil der Cipriani SA), der Campbell Palm Court und die Campbell Bar, ein ehemaliges Finanzbüro, das sich in eine Bar verwandelt hat. ] [52] Die Balkone sind über die Westtreppe des Bahnhofs, die ursprünglich zum Bahnhof gehörte, oder die dazugehörige Osttreppe, die während einer Renovierung aus den 1990er Jahren hinzugefügt wurde, erreichbar. [41] [53] Unter den Ost- und Westbalkonen befinden sich Eingänge zu den Durchgängen des Grand Central mit Geschäften und Ticketautomaten an den Wänden. In diesem Bereich befinden sich auch zwei kunstvoll geschnitzte Marmorbrunnen. Die ursprünglich zum Terminal gehörenden Springbrunnen sind noch immer in Betrieb und werden täglich gereinigt, obwohl sie nur selten verwendet werden. [54]
Informationsstand und -uhr [
. 19460668] Runder Informationsstand des Main Concourse " src="" decoding="async" width="182" height="120" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="5795" data-file-height="3821"/>
Der Informationsstand des Main Concourse (links) und der Informationsstand des Dining Concourse (rechts). Beide sind durch eine Wendeltreppe miteinander verbunden.
Der 18-seitige Hauptinformationsstand - ursprünglich das "Informationsbüro" - befindet sich im Zentrum der Halle. Seine Bediensteten stellen Zugfahrpläne und andere Informationen für die Öffentlichkeit bereit [55] . Im Jahr 2015 stellten sie laut einem MTA-Sprecher mehr als 1.000 Fragen pro Stunde. [56] Eine Tür in der Marmor- und Messingpagode verbirgt eine Wendeltreppe hinunter zu einer ähnlichen Kabine im Dining Concurse der Station. [57] [58] [56] [19490819]
gekrönt von einer viergesichtigen Messinguhr, die vielleicht die bekannteste Ikone von Grand Central ist. [48] Die Uhr wurde von Henry Edward Bedford, in Waterbury, Connecticut, [34] entworfen und von der Self Winding Clock Company entworfen und von der Seth Thomas Clock Company zusammen mit mehreren anderen Uhren im Terminal gebaut. [59] [11] Jedes 61 cm (24 Zoll) große Gesicht [57] besteht aus opaleszentem Glas, das oft als Opalglas oder Milchglas bezeichnet wird. (Die städtische Legende besagt, dass die Gesichter tatsächlich opal sind und von Sotheby's oder Christie zwischen 10 und 20 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt werden. [50] ) Die Uhr wurde 1954 zum ersten Mal für Reparaturen angehalten, nachdem festgestellt wurde, dass sie eine verloren hatte Minuten oder zwei pro Tag. [60]
Zusammen mit den restlichen Uhren der New York Central Railroad wurde sie früher auf eine Uhr im Büro des Zugverteilers von Grand Central eingestellt. [61] In den achtziger Jahren wurden sie in einer Werkstatt in Grand Central auf eine Meisteruhr eingestellt. [62] Seit 2004 sind sie auf die Atomuhr des United States Naval Observatory eingestellt und auf eine Milliardstel Sekunde genau. [63] [56]
Anzeigetafel [ edit ]
Von links nach rechts: Die ursprüngliche Tafel (als Relikt im Biltmore Room aufbewahrt), eine Solari-Tafel (jetzt im Danbury Railway Museum) und eine moderne Solari-Tafel am Terminal
Ursprünglich waren Spur und Status der ankommenden und abfahrenden Züge auf einer Tafel im Biltmore Room handgezeichnet. 1967 wurde die Tafel durch eine elektromechanische Anzeige in der Haupthalle über den Fahrkartenschaltern ersetzt. [64] [65] Nach seinem italienischen Hersteller als Solari-Platte bezeichnet, wurden Zuginformationen in Reihen von Flip-Panels angezeigt, die ein deutliches Schlaggeräusch machten, als sie sich drehten, um Änderungen widerzuspiegeln. [66] [67]
That Das Schild wurde durch hochauflösende Mosaik-LCD-Module ersetzt [68] ebenfalls von Solari Udine hergestellt. (Ähnliche Module werden jetzt auch in U-Bahn-Nordzügen verwendet, sowohl auf den Seiten, um das Ziel anzuzeigen, als auch auf der Innenseite, um die Uhrzeit, den nächsten Bahnhof, die Haltestellen und andere Passagierinformationen anzuzeigen.) Im Dezember 2017 als Teil von die Customer Service Initiative, die MTA erhielt Aufträge zum Ersatz der Anzeigetafeln. [69]
Das Reservierungsbüro von Grand Central befindet sich unter der großen Anzeigetafel. [67]
edit ]
Die Größe des Main Concourse hat es zu einer idealen Werbefläche gemacht. [70] Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs hing ein großes Wandgemälde mit Bildern des US-Militärs in der Halle, 19459184 [70] und von 1950 bis 1989 war die Ausstellung von Kodak Colorama eine herausragende Einrichtung. [71] ] [72] [73] Eine Westclox-Uhr "Big Ben" mit einem Durchmesser von 4,1 m (13,5 Fuß) wurde von mindestens sechs Unternehmen [74] von den 1960er bis 1990er Jahren gesponsert. [75] Diese Werbungen und Vorrichtungen wurden um die Zeit der Renovierung des Terminals in den 1990er Jahren entfernt. Heute befinden sich nur noch vier Werbebildschirme in der Halle, die jeweils etwa 7 x 6 Fuß groß sind. [76]
Die Haupthalle wurde auch als Versammlungsort genutzt. In den 1960er-Jahren installierte der Mieter des Terminals, CBS, einen CBS News-Fernsehbildschirm über den Kassenschaltern, um die Weltraumflüge von Project Mercury zu verfolgen. [19459191[37] versammelten sich Tausende im Main Concourse, um die wichtigsten Ereignisse der Flüge zu verfolgen. [77] [78] [79] Politiker wie die US-Präsidenten Calvin Coolidge und Harry S. Truman; Präsidentschaftskandidaten Thomas Dewey und Robert F. Kennedy; und Gouverneur Herbert Lehman haben auch Veranstaltungen innerhalb der Halle abgehalten. [80] Der Main Concourse wurde auch für Gedenkstätten genutzt, darunter auch Veranstaltungen zum Gedenken an den US-Botschafter in Frankreich, Myron T. Herrick, und die ehemalige First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis nach ihrem Tod; Feierlichkeiten zum Martin Luther King Jr. Day; und ein improvisiertes Denkmal, das nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 geschaffen wurde. [81] Am Terminal fanden auch mehrere Feiern statt, etwa eine Feier für die New York Giants, nachdem sie 1933 die NFL-Meisterschaft gewonnen hatten. [82] eine Veranstaltung für die Brooklyn Dodgers 1941; . 19460857] [83] und mehrere große Partys und Neujahrsfeiern. [82] [84]
. Verschiedene Sonderausstellungen und Veranstaltungen wurden auch am Main abgehalten Concourse im Laufe der Jahre [85]
Grundriss der Hauptebene des Terminals
Durchgänge [19456536] [Bearbeiten] ]
In ihrem Entwurf für das Innere des Bahnhofs schuf Reed & Stem ein Umlaufsystem, das es den Fahrgästen erlaubte, aus den Zügen in die Haupthalle zu gelangen, und dann durch verschiedene Passagen, die von dort aus abzweigen, abreisen. [41] Darunter befinden sich die Nord-Süd-Passage 42nd Street Passage und die Shuttle Passage, die nach Süden zur 42nd Street führen. und drei Ost-West-Durchgänge - der Grand Central Market, die Graybar Passage und die Lexington Passage -, die in der 43. Straße etwa 240 Fuß östlich zur Lexington Avenue laufen. [52] [86] [86] Mehrere Passagen verlaufen nördlich des Terminals, darunter die 45th Street-Nord-Süd-Passage, die zur 45th Street und Madison Avenue führt, [87] und das Tunnelnetz im Grand Central North, das zu Abfahrten führt jede Straße von der 45. bis zur 48. Straße. [52] [88]
Jeder der Ost-West-Durchgänge verläuft durch ein anderes Gebäude. Die nördlichste ist die Graybar Passage, [52] die 1926 im ersten Stock des Graybar-Gebäudes errichtet wurde. [89] Seine Wände und sieben großen Querbögen sind aus Traversin mit Coursed-Stein und der Boden ist aus Terrazzo. Die Decke besteht aus sieben Leistengewölben, von denen jedes einen dekorativen Kronleuchter aus Bronze hat. Die ersten beiden Gewölbe sind, von Grand Central aus gesehen, mit Cumuluswolken bemalt, während das dritte ein Wandgemälde von Edward Trumbull aus dem Jahr 1927 enthält, das den amerikanischen Transport darstellt. [90] [91] [1965603]
Der mittlere Durchgang, der in einer zweistöckigen ehemaligen Sparkasse untergebracht ist Mitte der 1970er Jahre, [92] beherbergt den Grand Central Market, eine Ansammlung von Lebensmittelhändlern, die 1998 eröffnet wurde. [52] [93] [93] Die zweite Geschichte des Marktes, deren Balkon den Markt und die 43. Straße überblickt, sollte ein Restaurant beherbergen. Es wird derzeit für die Lagerung verwendet. [86] [94]
Die südlichste der drei Gebiete, die Lexington Passage, war nach ihrem Durchgang historisch als Hyatt oder Commodore Passage bekannt [86]
Grand Central North [ edit ]
Interaktive Karte: Grand Central North Tunnel und Eingänge
■ Northwest Passage ■ Northeast Passage ■ 45th Street Cross-Passage ■ 47. Straße-Cross-Passage ■ Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central North ist ein Ein Netz von vier Tunneln, die es den Menschen erlauben, zwischen dem Bahnhofsgebäude (zwischen der 42. und 44. Straße) und jeder Ausfahrt von der 45. bis 48. Straße zu laufen. [95] Die 300 Meter lange Nordwestpassage und die 370 Meter lange Nordostpassage verlaufen parallel zu den Gleisen in der oberen Ebene, während zwei kürzere Querpassagen senkrecht zu den Gleisen verlaufen. [96] [19659177] [97] Die 47. Straßenkreuzung verläuft zwischen der oberen und der unteren Spur, 9,1 m unterhalb der Straßenniveau. Es bietet Zugriff auf Tracks der höheren Ebene. Die Kreuzung der 45th Street verläuft unter den unteren Gleisen, 15 Meter unterhalb des Straßenniveaus. Aus einem Korridor, der für den Transport von Gepäck und Post gebaut wurde, [97] ist der Zugang zu den unteren Gleisen möglich.
Die Straßeneingänge der Tunnel, die jeweils von einer freistehenden Glaskonstruktion umgeben sind, [97] befinden sich an der nordöstlichen Ecke der East 47th Street und der Madison Avenue (Northwest Passage), der nordöstlichen Ecke der East 48th Straße und Park Avenue (Northeast Passage), an der Ost- und Westseite der 230 Park Avenue (Helmsley Building) zwischen der 45. und 46. Straße und (seit 2012) an der Südseite der 47. Straße zwischen Park und Lexington Avenue. [98] Fußgänger können auch mit einem Aufzug von der Nordseite der 47. Straße zwischen Madison und Vanderbilt Avenue in die Passage 47th Street fahren. [99]
Vorschläge für diese Tunnel wurden mindestens seit den 1970er Jahren diskutiert . Die MTA genehmigte 1983 die vorläufigen Pläne, [100] gab die endgültige Genehmigung 1991 ab, [101] und begann 1994 mit dem Bau. [96] Das Projekt wurde als North End Access-Projekt bezeichnet und sollte 1997 mit Kosten von 64,5 Millionen US-Dollar abgeschlossen werden, [101] aber es wurde durch die unvollständige Beschaffenheit der ursprünglichen Baupläne des Gebäudes und durch das zuvor unentdeckte Grundwasser gebremst East 45th Street. [96] Die Durchgänge wurden am 18. August 1999 zu einem Endpreis von 75 Millionen US-Dollar eröffnet. [96]
Die Durchgänge enthalten eine MTA Arts & Design-Mosaikinstallation von Ellen Driscoll, einer Künstlerin aus Brooklyn. [96]
Die Eingänge zum Grand Central North waren ursprünglich von 6.30 bis 21.30 Uhr geöffnet Montag bis Freitag und von 9.00 bis 21.30 Uhr. am Samstag und Sonntag. Etwa 6.000 Menschen benutzten die Passagen an einem typischen Wochenende [102] und ungefähr 30.000 an Wochentagen. Grand Central North ist seit Sommer 2006 an Wochenenden geschlossen. MTA-Beamte zitierten geringen Verbrauch und die Notwendigkeit, Geld zu sparen. [103]
Andere Bereiche im Erdgeschoss [ edit ]
Vanderbilt Hall [[19456536] ] edit ]
Die Vanderbilt Hall ist ein Veranstaltungsraum auf der Südseite des Terminals, zwischen dem Eingang der Park Avenue und dem Main Concourse im Norden. An der Westseite befindet sich eine Lebensmittelhalle. [52] Der Raum wird von Beaux-Arts-Kronleuchtern mit 132 Lampen auf vier Ebenen beleuchtet. [46]
Es war früher der Hauptwarteraum des Terminals, der vor allem von Intercity-Reisenden genutzt wird. Als der Intercity-Service 1991 im Grand Central eingestellt wurde, wurde der Raum von mehreren hundert Obdachlosen genutzt. Das Terminalmanagement reagierte zuerst mit dem Entfernen der doppelseitigen Eichenbänke und dem vollständigen Schließen des Raums. [N 3] 1998 wurde der Saal renoviert und in Vanderbilt Hall umbenannt, nachdem die Familie, die den Bahnhof gebaut und besessen hatte, [86] Es wird jetzt für den jährlichen Weihnachtsmarkt [105] sowie für Sonderausstellungen und private Veranstaltungen genutzt. [106]
Seit 1999 ist Vanderbilt Hall Austragungsort der jährlichen Veranstaltung Squash-Meisterschaft des Turniers der Champions. [107] Die Veranstaltung beinhaltet die Installation eines 21 x 32 Fuß großen freistehenden Theaters in der Runde aus Glas, an dessen drei Seiten Zuschauer sitzen. [19459262[108]
Im Jahr 2016 die westliche Hälfte Der Saal wurde zur Great Northern Food Hall, einem gehobenen nordischen Themenhof mit fünf Pavillons. Die Food Hall ist der erste Langzeitmieter des Raumes; Das Wahrzeichen des Terminals verhindert dauerhafte Installationen. [109]
Früher befanden sich an der West- und Ostseite der Vanderbilt Hall ein Männer- und ein Frauenwarteraum. [109] [109] Im Jahr 2016 wurde das Herrenzimmer in Agern umgestaltet, einem 85-Sitzer-Restaurant mit 85 Sitzplätzen und 85 Restaurants, das von Noma-Mitbegründer Claus Meyer (19459265) [110] betrieben wird [109]
Biltmore Room [ edit
Früherer Kiosk im Biltmore Raum
Der Biltmore-Saal ist eine Marmorhalle mit einer Länge von 64 x 80 Fuß (20 x 24 m) [111] nordwestlich der Haupthalle, die als Eingang zu den Spuren 39 bis 42 dient. [52] 1915 fertiggestellt [112] direkt unter dem New Yorker Biltmore Hotel, [111] ursprünglich diente es als Wartesaal für Intercity-Züge, die formal als ankommender Zugraum und umgangssprachlich als umgangssprachlich bezeichneter Zugraum bezeichnet wurden "Kissing Room".
Als der Personenverkehr des Bahnhofs Mitte des Jahrhunderts zurückging, wurde der Raum vernachlässigt. In den Jahren 1982 und 1983 wurde das Zimmer beschädigt, als das Biltmore Hotel in die Bank of America Plaza umgewandelt wurde. 1985 wurde Giorgio Cavaglieri beauftragt, den Raum zu restaurieren, der damals Marmor, provisorische Beleuchtung und eine Reihe von Schließfächern gesprengt hatte. [113] Später enthielt der Raum einen Zeitungsstand, einen Blumenständer und Schuhputzstände. [112] [114] Im Jahr 2015 erteilte die MTA im Rahmen des Projekts East Side Access den Auftrag, den Biltmore Room zu einem Ankunftsbereich für Passagiere der Long Island Rail Road zu renovieren. [115] Im Rahmen des Projekts sollen die Stände und Stände des Raums durch ein Rolltreppenpaar und einen Aufzug zum tief gelegenen LIRR-Bahnhof ersetzt werden. [112] [114]
The Die Tafel des Zimmers zeigte die Ankunfts- und Abfahrtszeiten der Züge von New York Central bis 1967 an, [64] als im Main Concourse eine mechanische Tafel installiert wurde. [111]
[Stationsmeisteramt] ] [ edit ]
Das Station Master's Office in der Nähe von Track 36 verfügt über den einzigen Warteraum von Grand Central. Der Raum verfügt über Bänke, Toiletten und an drei Wänden ein Wandbild mit Blumenmix. The room's benches were previously located in the former waiting room, now known as Vanderbilt Hall. Since 2008, the area has offered free Wi-Fi.[116]
Former theatre[edit]
One of the retail areas of the Graybar Passage, currently occupied by alcohol vendor Central Cellars, was the Grand Central Theatre or Terminal Newsreel Theatre.[117][118] Opened in 1937, the theater showed short films, cartoons, and news reels[119] continuously from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. for 25-cent tickets.[120][121] Designed by Tony Sarg, it had 242 stadium-style seats and a standing-room section with armchairs. A small bar sat near the entrance.[122] The theater's interior had simple pine walls spaced out to eliminate echos, along with an inglenook, a fireplace, and an illuminated clock for the convenience of travelers. The walls of the lobby, dubbed the "appointment lounge", were covered with world maps; the ceiling had an astronomical mural painted by Sarg.[117]The New York Times reported a cost of $125,000 for the theater's construction, which was attributed to construction of an elevator between the theater and the suburban concourse as well as air conditioning and apparatuses for people hard of hearing.[123]
The theater stopped showing news reels by 1968[124] but continued operating until around 1979, when it was gutted for retail space,[120] A renovation in the early 2000s removed a false ceiling, revealing the theater's projection window and its astronomical mural, which proved similar in colors and style to the Main Concourse ceiling.[119]
Dining Concourse[edit]
The Dining Concourse, with track entrances visible on th e right
Access to the lower-level tracks is provided by the Dining Concourse, below the Main Concourse and connected to it by numerous stairs, ramps, and escalators. For decades, it was called the Suburban Concourse because it handled commuter rail trains.[30] Today, it has central seating and lounge areas, surrounded by restaurants and food vendors.[52]
The concourses are connected by two ramps, which comprise a 302-foot (92 m) west-east axis under an 84-foot (26 m) ceiling.[125] They intersect a slight slope from the Dining Concourse just outside the Oyster Bar,[52] under an archway covered with Guastavino tiling.[126] The arch creates a whispering gallery: someone standing in one corner can hear someone speaking softly in the opposite corner.[37][50] An overpass between the main concourse and the Vanderbilt Hall passes over the archway; from 1927 until 1998, the sides of the bridge were enclosed by walls about 8 feet (2.4 m) high.[125]
As part of the Terminal's late-1990s renovation, stands and restaurants were installed in the concourse, and escalators added to link to the main concourse level.[86] Additionally, the MTA spent $2.2 million to construct two 45-foot-wide circular designs in the concourse's floor. The designs were by David Rockwell and Beyer Blinder Belle, made of terrazzo, and installed over the concourse's original terrazzo floor.[127] Since 2015, part of the Dining Concourse has been closed for the construction of structural framework to support stairways and escalators to the new LIRR station being built as part of East Side Access.[128]
A small square-framed clock is installed in the ceiling near Tracks 108 and 109. It was manufactured at an unknown time by the Self Winding Clock Company, which made several others in the terminal. The clock hung inside the gate at Track 19 until 2011, when it was moved so it would not be blocked by lights added during upper-level platform improvements.[59]
Lost-and-found bureau[edit]
MTA Police and lost-and-found offices
Metro-North's lost-and-found bureau sits near Track 100 at the far east end of the Dining Concourse. Incoming items are sorted according to function and date: for instance, there are separate bins for hats, gloves, belts, and ties.[129][130] The sorting system was computerized in the 1990s.[131] Lost items are kept for up to 90 days before being donated or auctioned off.[50][132]
As early as 1920, the bureau received between 15,000 and 18,000 items a year.[133] By 2002, the bureau was collecting "3,000 coats and jackets; 2,500 cellphones; 2,000 sets of keys; 1,500 wallets, purses and ID's [sic]; and 1,100 umbrellas" a year.[131] By 2007, it was collecting 20,000 items a year, 60% of which were eventually claimed.[132] In 2013, the bureau reported an 80% return rate, among the highest in the world for a transit agency.[50][56]
Some of the more unusual items collected by the bureau include fake teeth, prosthetic body parts, legal documents, diamond pouches, live animals, and a $100,000 violin.[130][132] One story has it that a woman purposely left her unfaithful husband's ashes on a Metro-North train before collecting it three weeks later.[50][132] In 1996, some of the lost-and-found items were displayed at an art exhibition.[134]
Floor plan of the Dining Level
Other food service and retail spaces[edit]
The Campbell Bar
Grand Central Terminal contains restaurants such as the Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant and various fast food outlets surrounding the Dining Concourse. There are also delis, bakeries, a gourmet and fresh food market, and an annex of the New York Transit Museum.[135][136] The 40-plus retail stores include newsstands and chain stores, including a Starbucks coffee shop, a Rite Aid pharmacy, and an Apple Store.[52][137]
The Oyster Bar, the oldest business in the terminal, sits next to the Dining Concourse and below Vanderbilt Hall.[52][109]
An elegantly restored cocktail lounge, the Campbell, sits just south of the 43rd Street/Vanderbilt Avenue entrance. A mix of commuters and tourists access it from the street or the balcony level.[52] The space was once the office of 1920s tycoon John W. Campbell, who decorated it to resemble the galleried hall of a 13th-century Florentine palace.[138][139] In 1999, it opened as a bar, the Campbell Apartment; a new owner renovated and renamed it the Campbell in 2017.[140]
Vanderbilt Tennis Club and former studios[edit]
The Vanderbilt Tennis Club's court
From 1939 to 1964, CBS Television occupied a large portion of the terminal building, particularly above Vanderbilt Hall.[141][142] The space contained two "program control" facilities (43 and 44); network master control; facilities for local station WCBS-TV;[141][142][143] and, after World War II, two 700,000-square-foot (65,000 m2) production studios (41 and 42).[144] Broadcasts were transmitted from an antenna atop the nearby Chrysler Building installed by order of CBS chief executive William S. Paley,[144][143] and were also shown on a large screen in the Main Concourse.[144] In 1958, CBS opened the world's first major videotape operations facility in Grand Central. Located in a former rehearsal room on the seventh floor, the facility used 14 Ampex VR-1000 videotape recorders.[141][142]
Douglas Edwards with the News broadcast from Grand Central for several years, covering John Glenn's 1962 Mercury-Atlas 6 space flight and other events. Edward R. Murrow's See It Now originated there, including his famous broadcasts on Senator Joseph McCarthy, which were recreated in George Clooney's movie Good Night, and Good Luckalthough the film incorrectly implies that CBS News and corporate offices were in the same building. The long-running panel show "What's My Line?" was first broadcast from Grand Central, as were "The Goldbergs" and Mama. CBS eventually moved its operations to the CBS Broadcast Center.[141][142][144]
In 1966, the vacated studio space was converted to Vanderbilt Tennis Club, a sports club named for the hall just below.[141][142][145][146] Its two tennis courts were once deemed the most expensive place to play the game — $58 an hour — until financial recessions forced the club to lower the hourly fee to $40.[147] In 1984, the club was purchased by real estate magnate Donald Trump, who discovered it while renovating the terminal's exterior[148] and operated it until 2009.[141]
The space is currently occupied by a conductor lounge and a smaller sports facility with a single tennis court.[142][146]
Basement spaces[edit]
Power and heating plant[edit]
Grand Central Terminal and its predecessors contained their own power plants. The first such plant, built for Grand Central Depot in the 1870s, stood in the surface-level railroad yards at Madison Avenue and 46th Street. The second was built in 1900 under the west side of Grand Central Station near 43rd Street.[149]
When the terminal was created, a new power and heating plant was built on the east side of Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets.[150][151] The two-smokestack structure could supply a daily average of 5,000,000 pounds (2,300,000 kg) of heating steam.[149][152] The plant also provided power to the tracks and the station, supplementing other New York Central power plants in Yonkers (today's Glenwood Power Station) and Port Morris in the Bronx (now demolished).[149] While the Port Morris and Yonkers plants provided 11,000-volt alternating current for arriving and departing locomotives, the Grand Central plant converted the alternating current to 800 volts of direct current for use by the terminal's own third-rail-powered locomotives.[149][153] In addition, the Grand Central power plant provided power to nearby buildings.[151][149]
By the late 1920s, most power and heating services were contracted out to Consolidated Edison,[154] and so the power plant was torn down in 1929.[155] (Its only remaining vestige is the storage yard under the Waldorf Astoria New York hotel built in 1931.[151]) A new substation —the world's largest at the time — was built 100 feet (30 m) under the Graybar Building at a cost of $3 million.[149][156] Occupying a four-story space with a footprint of 250 by 50 feet (76 by 15 m)[149][154]it is divided into substation 1T, which provides 16,500 kilowatts (22,100 hp) for third-rail power, and substation 1L, which provides 8,000 kilowatts (11,000 hp) for other lighting and power.[149]
A sub-basement, dubbed M42, contains the AC-to-DC converters that supply DC traction current to the tracks.[50] Though sources vary on its exact depth, it is thought to be located 105 to 109 feet (32 to 33 m) below ground,[157] or either 10 or 13 stories deep.[158] The M42 basement was installed in the former boiler void excavated in the bedrock beneath the present-day Grand Central Market and the entrance to the Graybar Building, three levels below the lower Metro-North level.[159] Two of the original rotary converters remain as a historical record. During World War II, this facility was closely guarded because its sabotage would have impaired troop movement on the Eastern Seaboard.[33][160][161] It is said that any unauthorized person entering the facility during the war risked being shot on sight; the rotary converters could have easily been crippled by a bucket of sand.[162] The Abwehr, a German espionage service, sent two spies to sabotage it; they were arrested by the FBI before they could strike.[33] M42 also included a system to monitor trains in and around the terminal, which was used from 1913 until 1922, when it was supplemented by telegraphs.[50]
Carey's Hole[edit]
Another part of the basement is known as Carey's Hole. The two-story section is directly beneath the Shuttle Passage and adjacent spaces. In 1913, when the terminal opened, J. P. Carey opened a barbershop adjacent to and one level below the terminal's waiting room (now Vanderbilt Hall). Carey's business expanded to include a laundry service, shoe store, and haberdashery. In 1921, Carey also ran a limousine service using Packard cars, and in the 1930s, he added regular car and bus service to the city's airports as they opened. Carey would store his merchandise in an unfinished, underground area of the terminal, which railroad employees and maintenance staff began calling "Carey's Hole". The name has remained even as the space has been used for different purposes, including currently as a lounge and dormitory for railroad employees.[163]
Platforms and tracks[edit]
c. 1909 layout of the upper-level mainline tracks (top) and lower-level suburban tracks (bottom), showing balloon loops
The terminal holds the Guinness World Record for having the most platforms of any railroad station:[164] 28, which support 44 platform numbers. All are island platforms except one side platform.[165] Odd-numbered tracks are usually on the east side of the platform; even-numbered tracks on the west side. As of 2016[update]there are 67 tracks, of which 43 are in regular passenger use, serving Metro-North.[166][167] At its opening, the train shed contained 123 tracks, including duplicate track numbers and storage tracks,[167] with a combined length of 19.5 miles (31.4 km).[168]
The tracks slope down as they exit the station to the north, to help departing trains accelerate and arriving ones slow down.[169] Because of the size of the rail yards, Park Avenue and its side streets from 43rd Street to 59th Street are raised on viaducts, and the surrounding blocks were covered over by various buildings.[170]
At its busiest, the terminal is served by an arriving train every 58 seconds.[56]
Track distribution[edit]
Metro-North upper level
Metro-North lower level
to upper level
to upper level
LIRR upper level (future)
LIRR lower level (future)
Passenger service tracks
Yard/storage tracks
Note: Interlocking towers A, B, C, F, and U have been deactivated.
Map not to scale. Source:[171]
The upper Metro-North level has 42 numbered tracks. Twenty-nine serve passenger platforms; these are numbered 11 to 42, east to west[168][171] (Tracks 12, 22, and 31 do not currently exist, and appear to have been removed[171]). To their east sits the East Yard: ten storage tracks numbered 1 through 10 from east to west.[171][167] A balloon loop runs from Tracks 38-42 on the far west side of the station, around the other tracks, and back to storage Tracks 1-3 at the far east side of the station;[171] this allows trains to turn around more easily.[172][173]
North of the East Yard is the Lex Yard, a secondary storage yard under the Waldorf Astoria Hotel[171] that formerly served the power plant for Grand Central Terminal.[151] Its twelve tracks are numbered 51 through 65 from east to west (track numbers 57, 58, and 62 do not currently exist). Platforms sit between tracks 53 and 54 and between tracks 61 and 63.[171] Track 61 is known for being a private track for United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt; part of the original design of the Waldorf Astoria,[162][174] it was mentioned in The New York Times in 1929 and first used in 1938 by John J. Pershing, a top U.S. general during World War I.[175] Roosevelt would travel into the city using his personal train, pull into Track 61, and take a specially designed elevator to the surface.[176] It has been used occasionally since Roosevelt's death.[177][178] The upper level also contains 22 more storage sidings.[168][171]
The lower Metro-North level has 27 tracks numbered 100 to 126, east to west.[171][167][179] Two were originally intended for mail trains and two were for baggage handling.[29][30] Today, only Tracks 102–112 and 114–115 are used for passenger service. The lower-level balloon loop, whose curve was much sharper than that of the upper-level loop and could only handle electric multiple units used on commuter lines[180] was removed at an unknown date.[167] Tracks 116–125 were demolished to make room for the Long Island Rail Road concourse being built under the Metro-North station as part of the East Side Access project.[181]
The upper and lower levels have different track layouts, so the upper level is supported by ultra-strong columns, some of which can carry over 7,000,000 foot-pounds force (9,500,000 J).[182]
The LIRR terminal being built as part of East Side Access will add four platforms and eight tracks numbered 201–204 and 301–304 in two 100-foot-deep (30 m) double-decked caverns below the Metro-North station.[183] The new LIRR station will have four tracks and two platforms in each of two caverns, and each cavern would contain two tracks and one platform on each level. The LIRR concourse will sit on a center level between the LIRR's two track levels.[184][185]
Control center[edit]
Grand Central Terminal was built with five signal control centers, labeled A, B, C, F, and U, that collectively controlled all of the track interlockings around the terminal. Each switch was electrically controlled by a lever in one of the signal towers, where lights illuminated on track maps to show which switches were in use.[186][180] As trains passed a given tower, the signal controllers reported the train's engine and timetable numbers, direction, track number, and the exact time.[187]
Tower U controlled the interlocking between 48th and 58th Streets; Tower C, the storage spurs; and Tower F, the turning loops. A four-story underground tower at 49th Street housed the largest of the signal towers: Tower A, which handled the upper-level interlockings via 400 levers, and Tower B, which handled the lower-level interlockings with 362 levers.[188][189][190][180][186][191] The towers housed offices for the stationmaster, yardmaster, car-maintenance crew, electrical crew, and track-maintenance crew. There were also break rooms for conductors, train engineers, and engine men.[190][186]
After Tower B was destroyed in a fire in 1986,[192] the signal towers were consolidated into a single Operations Control Center, where controllers could monitor the switches by computer. Completed in 1993,[193] the center is operated by a crew of two dozen.[194]
During the terminal's construction, an "accident room" was set up to treat worker injuries in a wrecking car in the terminal's rail yard. Later on, a small hospital was established in the temporary station building on Lexington Avenue to care for injured workers. The arrangement was satisfactory, leading to the creation of a permanent hospital, the Grand Central Emergency Hospital, in Grand Central Terminal in 1911. The hospital was used for every employee injury as well as for passengers. In 1915, it had two physicians who treated a monthly average of 125 new cases per month and 450 dressings.[195] The space had four rooms: Room A (the waiting room), Room B (the operating room), Room C (a private office), and Room D (for resting patients).[196] The hospital was open at least until 1963; a Journal News article that year noted that the hospital treated minor to moderate ailments and was open every day between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.[197]
Grand Central Terminal was designed in the Beaux-Arts style by Reed and Stem, which was responsible for the overall design of the terminal,[41] and Warren and Wetmore, which mainly made cosmetic alterations to the exterior and interior.[198][199][200] Grand Central has both monumental spaces and meticulously crafted detail, especially on its facade.[201] In 2013, historian David Cannadine described it as one of the most majestic buildings of the twentieth century.[202] The facade is based on an overall exterior design by Whitney Warren.[203] Various elements inside the terminal were designed by French architects and artists Jules-Félix Coutan, Sylvain Salieres, and Paul César Helleu.[200]
As proposed in 1904, Grand Central Terminal was bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue to the west, Lexington Avenue to the east, 42nd Street to the south, and 45th Street to the north. It included a post office on its east side.[30] The east side of the station house proper is an alley called Depew Place, which was built along with the Grand Central Depot annex in the 1880s and mostly decommissioned in the 1900s when the new terminal was built.[204][205] Originally slated to measure 680 feet (210 m) along Vanderbilt Avenue by 300 feet (91 m) on 42nd Street, the station house actually measures 800 feet (240 m) long, 300 feet (91 m) wide, and 105 feet (32 m) high.[206][30]
The station and its rail yard have steel frames. The building also uses large columns designed to hold the weight of a 20-story office building, which was to be built when additional room was required.[207][208]
The facade and structure of the terminal building primarily use granite. Because granite emits radiation,[209] people who work full-time in the station receive an average dose of 525 mrem/year, more than permitted in nuclear power facilities.[210][211] The base of the exterior is Stony Creek granite, while the upper portion is of Indiana limestone, from Bedford, Indiana.[207]
The interiors use several varieties of stone, including imitation Caen stone for the Main Concourse; cream-colored Botticino marble for the interior decorations; and pink Tennessee marble for the floors of the Main Concourse, Biltmore Room,[90] and Vanderbilt Hall,[109] as well as the two staircases in the Main Concourse.[53][41][48] Real Caen stone was judged too expensive, so the builders mixed plaster, sand, lime, and Portland cement.[48] Most of the remaining masonry is made from concrete.[207]Guastavino tiling, a fireproof tile-and-cement vault pattern patented by Rafael Guastavino, is used in various spaces.[32][126]
The south facade features a set of three arched windows, with the Glory of Commerce sculpture at the top-center and the Vanderbilt statue at the bottom-center.
In designing the facade of Grand Central, the architects wanted to make the building seem like a gateway to the city.[207] The south facade, facing 42nd Street, is the front side of the terminal building, and contains large arched windows.[212] The central window resembles a triumphal arch.[207][213] There are two pairs of columns on either side of the central window. The columns are of the Corinthian order, and are partially attached to the granite walls behind them, though they are detached from one another.[212] The facade was also designed to complement that of the New York Public Library Main Branch, another Beaux-Arts edifice located on nearby Fifth Avenue.[213]
The facade includes several large works of art. At the top of the south facade is a 13-foot-high (4.0 m) clock, which contains the world's largest example of Tiffany glass.[214] The clock is surrounded by the Glory of Commerce sculptural group, a 48-foot-high (15 m) sculpture by Jules-Félix Coutan, which includes representations of Minerva, Hercules, and Mercury.[203][215] At its unveiling in 1914, the 48-foot-high (15 m) trio was considered the largest sculptural group in the world.[215][216][217] Below these works, facing the Park Avenue Viaduct, is an 1869 statue of Cornelius Vanderbilt, longtime owner of New York Central. Sculpted by Ernst Plassmann,[218] the 8.5-foot (2.6 m) bronze is the last remnant[219] of a 150-foot bronze relief installed at the Hudson River Railroad depot at St. John's Park;[220] it was moved to Grand Central Terminal in 1929.[221]
Main Concourse ceiling[edit]
The Main Concourse's ceiling is an elliptical barrel vault, with its base at an elevation of 121.5 feet and its crown at 160.25 feet. There are half-moon clerestory windows on the north and south sides. A skylight was originally supposed to be installed to provide light into the terminal, and accommodations were made for a large ceiling light, in case an office building were to be constructed over the terminal.[40]
The ceiling is elaborately decorated with a celestial mural,[42] conceived in 1912 by Warren and Helleu, and executed by Hewlett-Basing Studio.[43] The ceiling contains several astronomical inaccuracies: the stars within some constellations appear correctly as they would from earth, other constellations are reversed left-to-right, as is the overall arrangement of the constellations on the ceiling. Though the astronomical inconsistencies were noticed promptly by a commuter in 1913,[44] they have not been corrected in any of the subsequent renovations of the ceiling.[45][41]
The original ceiling was replaced in the late 1930s. By the 1940s, the ceiling had grown moldy, so in 1944, New York Central covered the mural with boards and painted an imitation mural over these boards.[45][222][41] By the 1980s, the ceiling was obscured by decades of what was thought to be coal and diesel smoke. Spectroscopic examination revealed that it was mostly tar and nicotine from tobacco smoke, as well as asbestos.[45] Starting in September 1996, the ceiling was cleaned and restored to its original design.[222][223]
Frieze displaying the terminal's original logo
Many parts of the terminal are adorned with sculpted leaves and nuts of the oak tree (acorns, the symbol of the Vanderbilt family).[109] These decorations were designed by Salieres.[224] Among these decorations is a brass acorn finial atop the four-sided clock in the center of the Main Concourse.[119][56] Other acorn decorations include carved wreaths under the Main Concourse's west stairs; sculptures above the lunettes in the Main Concourse; metalwork above the elevators; and the electric chandeliers in the Main Waiting Room and Main Concourse.[224]
The overlapping letters "G", "C", and "T" are sculpted into multiple places in the terminal, including in friezes atop several windows above the terminal's ticket office. The symbol was designed with the "T" resembling an upside-down anchor, intended as a reference to Cornelius Vanderbilt's commercial beginnings in shipping and ferry businesses.[225] In 2017, the MTA based its new logo for the terminal on the engraved design; MTA officials said its black and gold colors have long been associated with the terminal. The spur of the letter "G" has a depiction of a railroad spike.[226] The 2017 logo succeeded one created by the firm Pentagram for the terminal's centennial in 2013. It depicted the Main Concourse's ball clock set to 7:13, or 19:13 using a 24-hour clock, referencing the terminal's completion in 1913. Both logos omit the word "terminal" in its name, in recognition to how most people refer to the building.[227]
Stage of Saturday Night Live
Among the buildings modeled on Grand Central's design is the Poughkeepsie station, a Metro-North and Amtrak station in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was also designed by Warren and Wetmore and opened in 1918.[228][229] Additionally, Union Station in Utica, New York was partially designed after Grand Central, and the stage of Saturday Night Live was designed after the terminal as well.[230]
Related structures[edit]
Park Avenue Viaduct[edit]
1913 illustration showing the viaduct as it approaches and wraps around Grand Central
The Park Avenue Viaduct is an elevated road that carries Park Avenue around the terminal building and the MetLife Building and through the Helmsley Building — three buildings that lie across the line of the avenue. The viaduct rises from street level on 40th Street south of Grand Central, splits into eastern (northbound) and western (southbound) legs above the terminal building's main entrance,[4] and continues north around the station building, directly above portions of its main level. The legs of the viaduct pass around the MetLife Building, into the Helmsley Building, and re-emerge at street level on 46th Street.
The viaduct was built to facilitate traffic along 42nd Street[231] and along Park Avenue, then New York City's only discontinuous major north-south avenue.[232] When the western leg of the viaduct was completed in 1919,[233] it also served as a second level for picking up and dropping off passengers. In 1928, an eastern leg for northbound traffic was added to reduce congestion.[231] A sidewalk, accessible from the Grand Hyatt hotel, runs parallel to 42nd Street.[234]
Post office and baggage building[edit]
Grand Central Terminal has a post office at 450 Lexington Avenue, built from 1906 to 1909.[14][29] The architecture of the original post office building matches that of the terminal, as the structures were designed by the same architects.[235] The post office station expanded into a second building, directly north of the original structure, in 1915.[235][236] From the beginning, Grand Central's post office was designed to handle massive volumes of mail, though it was not as large as the James A. Farley Building, the post office that was built with the original Penn Station.[237]
The terminal complex originally included a six-story building for baggage handling just north of the main station building. Departing passengers unloaded their luggage from taxis or personal vehicles on the Park Avenue Viaduct, and elevators brought it to the baggage passageways (now part of Grand Central North), where trucks brought the luggage to the respective platforms. The process was reversed for arriving passengers.[29][238] Biltmore Hotel guests arriving at Grand Central could get baggage delivered to their rooms.[29] The baggage building was later converted to an office building. The structure was demolished in 1961[239][240] to make way for the MetLife Building.[29]
Subway station[edit]
Passageway to the subway; the ramp at right leads to street level
The terminal's subway station, dubbed Grand Central–42nd Street, serves three lines: the IRT Lexington Avenue Line (serving the 456and <6> trains), the IRT Flushing Line (serving the 7 and <7> trains), and the IRT 42nd Street Shuttle to Times Square.[15] Built by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT),[241][242] the lines are now operated by the MTA as part of the New York City Subway.[243][244]
The Main Concourse is connected to the subway platforms' mezzanine via the Shuttle Passage.[52][243] The platforms can also be reached from the 42nd Street Passage via stairs, escalators, and an elevator to the fare control area for the Lexington Avenue and Flushing Lines.[244]
The 42nd Street Shuttle platforms, located just below ground level, opened in 1904 as an express stop on the original IRT subway.[241] The Lexington Avenue Line's platforms, which were opened in 1918 when the original IRT subway platforms were converted to shuttle use,[245] run underneath the southeastern corner of the station building at a 45-degree angle, to the east of and at a lower level than the shuttle platforms.[246] The Flushing Line platform opened in 1915;[247] it is deeper than the Lexington Avenue Line's platforms because it is part of the Steinway Tunnel, a former streetcar tunnel that descends under the East River to the east of Grand Central.[247][242] There was also a fourth line connected to Grand Central Terminal: a spur of the IRT Third Avenue elevated,[242] which stopped at Grand Central starting in 1878;[248] it was made obsolete by the subway's opening, and closed in 1923.[249]
During the terminal's construction, there were proposals to allow commuter trains to pass through Grand Central and continue into the subway tracks, but they were deemed impractical.[242]
Three buildings serving essentially the same function have stood on the current Grand Central Terminal's site.[250]
Grand Central Terminal arose from a need to build a central station for the Hudson River Railroad, the New York and Harlem Railroad, and the New York and New Haven Railroad in what is now Midtown Manhattan. [250][251][252] The Harlem Railroad originally ran as a steam railroad on street level along Fourth Avenue (now Park Avenue),[253][254][255][256] while the New Haven Railroad ran along the Harlem's tracks in Manhattan per a trackage agreement.[253][254][255] The business magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt bought the Hudson River and New York Central Railroads in 1867, and merged them two years later.[257][255][256] Vanderbilt developed a proposal to unite the three separate railroads at a single central station, replacing the separate and adjacent stations that created chaos in baggage transfer.[250]
Vanderbilt commissioned John B. Snook to design his new station, dubbed Grand Central Depot, on the site of the 42nd Street depot.[258][259] Snook's final design was in the Second Empire style.[260][254][261] Construction started on September 1, 1869, and the depot was completed by October 1871.[254] Due to frequent accidents between pedestrians and trains running on street level, Vanderbilt proposed the Fourth Avenue Improvement Project in 1872.[254] The improvements were completed in 1874, allowing trains approaching Grand Central Depot from the north to descend into the Park Avenue Tunnel at 96th Street and continue underground into the new depot.[254] Traffic at Grand Central Depot grew quickly, filling its 12 tracks to capacity by the mid-1890s, not the late 1890s or early 1900s as expected.[262] In 1885, a seven-track annex with five platforms was added to the east side of the existing terminal.[169][262][263]
Grand Central Station, c. 1902
Grand Central Depot had reached its capacity again by the late 1890s,[264] and it carried 11.5 million passengers a year by 1897.[265] As a result, the railroads renovated the head house extensively based on plans by railroad architect Bradford Gilbert.[266][264] The reconstructed building was renamed Grand Central Station.[36][37] The new waiting room opened in October 1900.[12]
As train traffic increased in the late 1890s and early 1900s, so did the problems of smoke and soot produced by steam locomotives in the Park Avenue Tunnel, the only approach to the station.[261][267][169][268] This contributed to a crash on January 8, 1902, when a southbound train overran signals in the smoky Park Avenue Tunnel and collided with another southbound train,[269][270][268] killing 15 people and injuring more than 30 others.[271][272][273] Shortly afterward, the New York state legislature passed a law to ban all steam trains in Manhattan by 1908.[267][270][274][275]William J. Wilgus, the New York Central's vice president, later wrote a letter to New York Central president William H. Newman. Wilgus proposed to electrify and place the tracks to Grand Central in tunnels, as well as constructing a new railway terminal with two levels of tracks and making other infrastructure improvements.[36][276] In March 1903, Wilgus presented a more detailed proposal to the New York Central board.[169][269][277][268] The railroad's board of directors approved the $35 million project in June 1903; ultimately, almost all of Wilgus's proposal would be implemented.[269][277]
Proposal of the associated architects of Grand Central, 1905
The entire building was to be torn down in phases and replaced by the current Grand Central Terminal. It was to be the biggest terminal in the world, both in the size of the building and in the number of tracks.[36][37] The Grand Central Terminal project was divided into eight phases, though the construction of the terminal itself comprised only two of these phases.[N 4]
The current building was intended to compete with the since-demolished Pennsylvania Station, a majestic electric-train hub being built on Manhattan's west side for arch-rival Pennsylvania Railroad by McKim, Mead & White.[279] In 1903, New York Central invited four architecture firms to a design competition to decide who would design the new terminal.[280]Reed and Stem were ultimately selected,[198] as were Warren and Wetmore, who were not part of the original competition.[281][282][198][283][275] Reed and Stem were responsible for the overall design of the station, while Warren and Wetmore worked on designing the station's Beaux-Arts exterior.[283][284][275] However, the team had a tense relationship due to constant design disputes.[282]
Construction on Grand Central Terminal started on June 19, 1903.[281] Wilgus proposed to demolish, excavate, and built the terminal in three sections or "bites",[285] to prevent railroad service from being interrupted during construction.[286] About 3,200,000 cubic yards (2,400,000 m3) of the ground were excavated at depths of up to 10 floors, with 1,000 cubic yards (760 m3) of debris being removed from the site daily. Over 10,000 workers were assigned to the project.[287][191][288] The total cost of improvements, including electrification and the development of Park Avenue, was estimated at $180 million in 1910.[289] Electric trains on the Hudson Line started running to Grand Central on September 30, 1906,[290] and the segments of all three lines running into Grand Central had been electrified by 1907.[288]
After the last train left Grand Central Station at midnight on June 5, 1910, workers promptly began demolishing the old station.[13] The last remaining tracks from the former Grand Central Station were decommissioned on June 21, 1912.[285] The new terminal was opened on February 2, 1913.[291][292][293]
The terminal spurred development in the surrounding area, particularly in Terminal City, a commercial and office district created above where the tracks were covered.[294][295][296][297] The development of Terminal City also included the construction of the Park Avenue Viaduct, surrounding the station, in the 1920s.[298][299][300] The new electric service led to increased development in New York City's suburbs, and passenger traffic on the commuter lines into Grand Central more than doubled in the seven years following the terminal's completion.[301] Passenger traffic grew so rapidly that by 1918, New York Central proposed expanding Grand Central Terminal.[302]
In 1923, the Grand Central Art Galleries opened in the terminal. A year after it opened, the galleries established the Grand Central School of Art, which occupied 7,000 square feet (650 m2) on the seventh floor of the east wing of the terminal.[303][304] The Grand Central School of Art remained in the east wing until 1944,[305] and it moved to the Biltmore Hotel in 1958.[306][307]
In 1947, over 65 million people traveled through Grand Central, an all-time high.[191] The station's decline came soon afterward with the beginning of the Jet Age and the construction of the Interstate Highway System. There were multiple proposals to significantly alter the terminal, including several replacing the station building with a skyscraper; none of the plans were carried out.[308] The MetLife Building was ultimately erected behind Grand Central to the north, and opened in 1963.[309]
New York Central, facing bankruptcy, merged with the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1968, forming the Penn Central Railroad. Based on the Pennsylvania Railroad's demolition and replacement of the original Penn Station in 1963, Penn Central proposed another skyscraper replacing Grand Central Terminal.[310] However, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission designated Grand Central a city landmark in 1967, and refused to consider the plans.[311][312] The resulting lawsuit went to the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled in favor of the city.[313] After Penn Central went into bankruptcy in 1970, it retained title to Grand Central Terminal.[314] When Penn Central reorganized as American Premier Underwriters (APU) in 1994, it retained ownership of Penn Central. In turn, APU was absorbed by American Financial Group.[315]
Grand Central and the surrounding neighborhood became dilapidated during the 1970s, and the interior of Grand Central was dominated by huge billboard advertisements, which included the Kodak Colorama photos and the Westclox "Big Ben" clock.[75] In 1975, Donald Trump bought the Commodore Hotel to the east of the terminal for $10 million and then worked out a deal with Jay Pritzker to transform it into one of the first Grand Hyatt hotels.[316] Grand Central Terminal was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975 and declared a National Historic Landmark in the following year.[6][317][318] This period was marked by a bombing on September 11, 1976, when a group of Croatian nationalists planted a bomb in a coin locker at Grand Central Terminal and hijacked a plane; the bomb was not disarmed properly, and the explosion wounded over 30 and killed one NYPD bomb squad specialist.[319][320]
The final Amtrak train stopped at Grand Central on April 7, 1991, upon the completion of the Empire Connection on Manhattan's West Side. The connection allowed trains using the Empire Corridor from Albany, Toronto, and Montreal to use Penn Station.[321] However, some Amtrak trains would use Grand Central during the summers of 2017 and 2018.[322][323]
Renovation and subsequent expansions[edit]
In 1988, the MTA commissioned a study of the Grand Central Terminal, which concluded that parts of the terminal could be turned into a retail area.[324] The agency announced an $113.8 million renovation of the terminal in 1995.[325] During this renovation, all billboards were removed and the station was restored.[75] The most striking effect was the restoration of the Main Concourse ceiling, revealing the painted skyscape and constellations.[222][223] The renovations included the construction of the East Stairs, a curved monumental staircase on the east side of the station building that matched the West Stairs.[326] An official re-dedication ceremony was held on October 1, 1998, marking the completion of the interior renovations.[327][328]
Centennial celebration performance, 2013
On February 1, 2013, numerous displays, performances, and events were held to celebrate the terminal's centennial.[329][330] As part of the construction of the One Vanderbilt supertall skyscraper, which started construction in October 2016[331] and is expected to be completed in 2020,[332] underground connections to Grand Central Terminal were being constructed.[331] The MTA awarded contracts to replace the display boards and public announcement systems and add security cameras at Grand Central Terminal in December 2017.[69] The MTA also proposed to repair the Grand Central Terminal train shed's concrete and steel as part of the 2020–2024 MTA Capital Program.[333] In February 2019, it was announced that the Grand Hyatt New York hotel outside of Grand Central Terminal would be torn down and replaced with a larger mixed-use structure over the next several years.[334][335]
East Side Access progress in 2014
The East Side Access project, underway since 2007, is slated to bring Long Island Rail Road trains into the terminal when completed. LIRR trains will reach Grand Central from Harold Interlocking in Sunnyside, Queens, via the existing 63rd Street Tunnel and new tunnels under construction on both the Manhattan and Queens sides. LIRR trains will arrive and depart from a bi-level, eight-track tunnel with four platforms more than 90 feet (27 m) below the Metro-North tracks.[28] The project includes a new 350,000-square-foot retail and dining concourse[336] and new entrances at 45th, 46th, and 48th streets.[337] Cost estimates have jumped from $4.4 billion in 2004, to $6.4 billion in 2006, then to $11.1 billion. The new stations and tunnels are to begin service in December 2022.[27][28]
Midtown TDR Ventures, LLC, an investment group controlled by Argent Ventures,[338] purchased the station from American Financial in December 2006,[339] and renegotiated the lease with the MTA until 2274.[338] In November 2018, the MTA proposed purchasing the Hudson and Harlem Lines as well as the Grand Central Terminal for up to $35.065 million, discounting all required lease payments to their present value via a discount rate of 6.25% and also including a further $500,000 cash discount by the seller.[314][340] The MTA's finance committee approved the proposed purchase on November 13, 2018, and the full board approved the proposal two days later.[341][342][343]
Passenger improvements[edit]
Incline between concourses, showing the "whispering gallery" outside the Oyster Bar
Cutaway drawing, illustrating the use of ramps, express and suburban tracks, and the viaduct
Grand Central Terminal offered several innovations in transit-hub design. One was the use of ramps, rather than staircases, to conduct passengers and luggage through the facility. Two ramps connected the lower-level suburban concourse to the main concourse; several more led from the main concourse to entrances on 42nd Street. These ramps allowed all types of travelers to easily move between Grand Central's two underground levels.[32][344][213] There were also 15 passenger elevators and six freight-and-passenger elevators scattered around the station.[213] The separation of commuter and intercity trains, as well as incoming and outgoing trains, ensured that most passengers on a given ramp would be traveling in the same direction.[207] At its opening in 1913, the terminal was theoretically able to accommodate 100 million passengers a year.[188]
The Park Avenue Viaduct, which wrapped around the terminal, allowed Park Avenue traffic to bypass the building without being diverted onto nearby streets,[231] and reconnected the only north-south avenue in midtown Manhattan that had an interruption in it.[232] The station building was also designed to accommodate reconnecting both segments of 43rd Street by going through the concourse, if the City of New York had demanded it.[36][37]
Designers of the new terminal tried to make it as comfortable as possible. Amenities included an oak-floored waiting room for women, attended to by maids; a shoeshine room, also for women; a room with telephones; a beauty salon with gender-separated portions; a dressing room, with maids available for a fee; and a men's barbershop for men, containing a public portion with barbers from many cultures, as well as a rentable private portion.[293][36][37] Initially, Grand Central was to have had two concourses, one on each level. The "outbound" concourse would have a 15,000-person capacity while the "inbound" concourse would have an 8,000-person capacity. A waiting room adjoining each concourse could fit another 5,000 people.[206] Brochures advertised the new Grand Central Terminal as a tourist-friendly space where "
Track improvements[edit]
Grand Central Terminal was built to handle 200 trains per hour, though actual traffic never came close to that.[191] It had 46 tracks and 30 platforms, more than twice Penn Station's 21 tracks and 11 platforms.[36][37][208] Its 70-acre (28 ha) rail yard could hold 1,149 cars, far more than the 366 in its predecessor station, and it dwarfed Penn Station's 28-acre (11 ha) yard.[191]
As constructed, the upper level was for intercity trains, and the lower level for commuter trains. This allowed commuter and intercity passengers to board and get off trains without interfering with each other.[29][30]
Balloon loops surrounding the station eliminated the need for complicated switching moves to bring the trains to the coach yards for service.[30][173][352][353] At the time, passenger cars did not run on their own power, but were pulled by locomotives, and it was believed dangerous to perform locomotive shunting moves underground. Trains would drop passengers off at one side of the station, perhaps be stored or serviced in the rail yard, then use the turning loops and pick up passengers on the other side.[353] The loops extended under Vanderbilt Avenue to the west and Lexington Avenue to the east.[354]
Terminal City[edit]
Burying electric trains underground brought an additional advantage to the railroads: the ability to sell above-ground air rights over the tracks and platforms for real-estate development.[294][295] The construction of Grand Central had resulted in the creation of several blocks worth of prime real estate in Manhattan, stretching from 42nd to 51st Streets between Madison and Lexington Avenues.[294][295] William Wilgus saw the air rights above Grand Central's rail yards as merely a means to fund the terminal's construction. Reed & Stem originally proposed a "Court of Honor" for this space, while other proposals included a new Metropolitan Opera House, a Madison Square Garden, or a National Academy of Design building.[355] Instead, the area was developed into a commercial office district.[294][295] One early proposed name for this area was "Pershing Square", a name that was ultimately applied to the southern side of Grand Central Terminal.[356] The blocks on the north side of the terminal were later dubbed "Terminal City" or the "Grand Central Zone".[294][295][296] In conjunction with this project, the segment of Park Avenue above Grand Central's rail yards received a landscaped median and was widened to 140 feet (43 m).[357][358]
The New York State Realty and Terminal Company was founded in 1903 as a derivative of the New York Central Railroad that would oversee construction above Grand Central's rail yards.[359] The New Haven Railroad joined the venture later on.[360] Even the announcement of Grand Central's construction resulted in an increase in the values of nearby properties by 1906.[361] By the time the terminal opened in in 1913, the blocks surrounding it were each valued at $2 million to $3 million.[188] Terminal City soon became Manhattan's most desirable commercial and office district. Land values along Park Avenue subsequently increased by 200%, and land values in the Terminal City area increased 244%, from 1904 to 1926.[362]
The Realty and Terminal Company typically either constructed the structures and rented them out, or sold the air rights to private developers who would construct their own buildings.[360] The first building in Terminal City was the new Grand Central Palace, which opened in 1911 and replaced a predecessor building of the same name.[363][364][362] The district came to include the Chrysler Building and other prestigious office buildings; luxury apartment houses along Park Avenue; an array of high-end hotels that included the Commodore, Biltmore, Roosevelt, Marguery, Chatham, Barclay, Park Lane, and Waldorf Astoria;[297][362] the Grand Central Palace; and the Yale Club of New York City.[207][362] The structures immediately around Grand Central Terminal had been developed shortly after the terminal's opening, while the structures along Park Avenue were constructed through the 1920s and 1930s.[360]
These structures were designed in the neoclassical style, complementing the terminal's architecture.[355] Although Warren and Whitmore designed most of these buildings, it also monitored other architects' plans (such as those of James Gamble Rogers, who designed the Yale Club) to ensure that the style of the new buildings was compatible with that of Terminal City.[365] In general, the site plan of Terminal City was derived from the City Beautiful movement, which encouraged aesthetic harmony between adjacent buildings. The consistency of the architectural styles, as well as the vast funding provided by investment bankers, contributed to Terminal City's success.[359]
The Graybar Building, completed in 1927, was one of the last projects of Terminal City. The building incorporates many of Grand Central's train platforms, as well as the Graybar Passage, a hallway with vendors and train gates stretching from the terminal to Lexington Avenue.[366] In 1929, New York Central built its headquarters in a 34-story building, now called the Helmsley Building, which straddled Park Avenue north of the terminal.[367] Development slowed drastically during the Great Depression,[362] and part of Terminal City was gradually razed or reconstructed with steel-and-glass designs after World War II.[297][368] In particular, many of the low-rise residential structures on Park Avenue were replaced with International Style skyscrapers during the 1950s and 1960s, many of which were zoned for commercial use.[369] Some residential buildings from the era still exist along Lexington Avenue.[297] Remnants of the neoclassical design can also be seen in the Yale Club and Roosevelt Hotel on Vanderbilt Avenue.[355]
The area shares similar boundaries as the Grand Central Business Improvement District, a neighborhood with businesses collectively funding improvements and maintenance in the area. The district is well-funded; in 1990 it had the largest budget of any business improvement district in the United States.[370] The district's organization and operation is run by the Grand Central Partnership, which has given free tours of the station building.[371][372] The partnership has also funded some restoration projects around the terminal, including installation of lamps to illuminate its facade, purchase of a streetlamp that used to stand on the Park Avenue Viaduct.[373]
Emergency services[edit]
MTA Police Department use special vehicles in the terminal
The terminal is served by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department, stationed in the Dining Concourse level.[52] Various actions by MTA officers in the terminal have received media attention over the years. In 1988, seven officers were suspended for behaving inappropriately, including harassing a homeless man and patrolling unclothed.[374] In the early 2000s, officers arrested two transgender people — Dean Spade in 2002 and Helena Stone in 2006 — who were attempting to use restrooms aligning with their gender identities. Lawsuits forced the MTA to drop the charges and to thenceforth allow use of restrooms according to gender identity.[375][376] In 2017, an officer assaulted and arrested a conductor who was removing a passenger from a train in the terminal.[377]
Fire and medical emergency services are provided by the Grand Central Fire Brigade, a volunteer entity formed in 1987. One of six such units in the Metro-North system, the brigade is made up of Metro-North employees, most of which are blue-collar workers: plumbers, electricians, machinists, and custodians. Every member is a volunteer, except for the fire chief. All receive at least 150 hours of training; EMS-certified members get an additional 170 hours every three years. The brigade handles an average of two emergencies a day, mostly medical in nature. The brigade regularly trains the NYPD, FDNY, and MTA Police to navigate the terminal and its miles of tunnels, and trains other Metro-North employees in first aid and CPR. It also conducts fire drills and stations fire guards for special events in the terminal.[378][379]
The brigade's fleet, stored in a bay next to Track 14, includes three electric carts equipped with sirens and red lights: a white-painted ambulance no wider than a hospital bed that carries a stretcher, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, and other medical equipment; a red pumper that carries 200 gallons of water and 300 feet of fire hose; and a red rescue truck with air packs, forcible entry tools, and turnout gear.[378][379][380]
Art installations and performances[edit]
Among the permanent works of public art in Grand Central are the celestial ceiling in the Main Concourse,[381][382] the Glory of Commerce work, the statue of Cornelius Vanderbilt in front of the building's south facade,[383][384] and the two cast-iron eagle statues adorning the terminal's facades.[385] Temporary works, exhibitions, and events are regularly mounted in Vanderbilt Hall,[386] while the Dining Concourse features temporary exhibits in a series of lightboxes.[387]
The terminal is also known for its performance and installation art,[388][389] including flash mobs and other spontaneous events.[390]
In popular culture[edit]
Grand Central Terminal has been the subject, inspiration, or location for literature, television and radio episodes, and films.[391][37]
Film and television[edit]
Platform at Track 34, commonly used in films
Many film and television productions have included scenes shot in the terminal. Kyle McCarthy, who handles production at Grand Central, said, "Grand Central is one of the quintessential New York places. Whether filmmakers need an establishing shot of arriving in New York or transportation scenes, the restored landmark building is visually appealing and authentic."[392] Especially during World War II, Grand Central has been a backdrop for romantic reunions between couples. After the terminal declined in the 1950s, it was more frequently used as a dark, dangerous place, even a metaphor for chaos and disorientation,[391] featuring chase scenes, shootouts, homeless people, and the mentally ill. In the 1990 film The Freshmanfor example, Matthew Broderick's character stumbles over an unconscious man and watches fearfully as petty crimes take place around him.[393]
Almost every scene in the terminal's train shed was shot on Track 34, one of the few platforms without columns.[394][56]
The first filmed scene in which Grand Central Terminal appears may be the 1909 short comedy Mr. Jones Has a Card Party.[395] The terminal's first cinematic appearance was in the 1930 musical film Puttin' On the Ritz,[394] and its first Technicolor appearance was in the 1953 film The Band Wagon.[56] Some films from the 20th century, including Grand Central MurderThe Thin Man Goes HomeHello, Dolly!and Beneath the Planet of the Apes used reconstructions of Grand Central, built in Hollywood, to stand in for the terminal.[391][396] Additionally, the terminal was drawn and animated for use in the 2005 animated film Madagascar.[397]
Other films in which the terminal appears include:[37][391][395][397]
On October 19, 2017, several of these films were screened in the terminal for an event created by the MTA, Rooftop Films, and the Museum of the Moving Image and featuring a cinematic history lecture by architect and author James Sanders.[398]
A television show in which Grand Central is depicted is Saturday Night Livewhere a soundstage reconstruction of the terminal is shown.[395]
Literature featuring the terminal includes Report on Grand Central Terminalwritten in 1948 by nuclear physicist Leo Szilard; The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger; Grand Central Murder by Sue MacVeigh, which was made into the eponymous film in 1942; A Stranger Is Watching by Mary Higgins Clark;[395] and the 1946 children's classic The Taxi That Hurried by Lucy Sprague Mitchell.[37] The infrastructure in Grand Central inspired the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabretand in turn, the film Hugo.[399]
The terminal gave its name to the radio series Grand Central Stationan NBC drama filmed at the terminal from 1937 to 1953.[395] Among the video games that feature the terminal are Spider-Man: The Movie and True Crime: New York City.[252]
See also[edit]
Explanatory notes[edit]
^Grand Central Terminal meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, though it is not classified as a Full Access station; it does not comply with all requirements of the ADA.[1]
^A railroad "terminal" such as Grand Central Terminal, the former Reading Terminal in Philadelphia, and the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal is a facility at the end of a rail line, which trains enter and depart in the same direction. A railroad stationsuch as Pennsylvania Station on the West Side, 30th Street Station in Philadelphia, and Union Station in Washington, D.C., is a facility along one or more contiguous rail lines, which trains can enter and depart in different directions.[11]
^Several of the hall's benches were moved to a smaller waiting room in the Station Master's Office. In 2018, two of the benches were sent on a long-term loan to Springfield, Massachusetts's Union Station.[104]
^The projects included:[278]
excavation of Grand Central Yard
construction of Grand Central's station building
electrification of the Harlem, Hudson, and New Haven divisions
lowering the Port Morris Branch tracks in the Bronx
building tunnels along the Hudson Division around the Harlem River Ship Canal in Marble Hill, Manhattan (ultimately never built, as the Harlem River Ship Canal was relocated)
eliminating grade crossings
adding tracks on the Harlem and New Haven divisions
^ ab"Grand Central Terminal". Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Retrieved December 5, 2018.
^ ab"2017 MNR Ridership Appendix" (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. April 23, 2018. p. 9. Retrieved November 24, 2018.
^Landmarks Preservation Commission 1967
^ abcLandmarks Preservation Commission 1980
^National Park Service (2007-01-23). "Nationales Registerinformationssystem". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service.
^ ab"Grand Central Station". National Historic Landmark summary listing. Nationalpark-Service. September 11, 2007.
^Shields, Ann (November 10, 2014). "The World's 50 Most Visited Tourist Attractions – No. 3: Times Square, New York City – Annual Visitors: 50,000,000". Travel+Leisure. Retrieved November 14, 2018. No. 3 Times Square,...No. 4 (tie) Central Park,...No. 10 Grand Central Terminal, New York City
^Ann Shields (November 10, 2014). "The World's 50 Most Visited Tourist Attractions". Travel+Lesiure. Retrieved July 18, 2015.
^Middleton, William D. (1977). Grand Central: The World's Greatest Railway Terminal. Golden West Books. p. 7.
^Cannadine, David (February 8, 2013). "A Point of View: Grand Central, the world's loveliest station". BBC. Retrieved May 8, 2014.
^ abcFortier, Alison (2016). A History Lover's Guide to New York City. Die Geschichte Presse. pp. 208–9. ISBN 9781467119030. Retrieved February 12, 2019.
^ ab"NEWS OF THE RAILROADS; New Waiting Room at the Grand Central Station Opens To-day. Appointments Are Up to Date and Improvements of a Modern Type -- Some Novel Ideas". The New York Times. October 18, 1900. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^ abSchlichting 2001, pp. 106–107
^ ab"Location Details". Retrieved December 21, 2018.
^ ab"Subway Map" (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. January 18, 2018. Retrieved January 18, 2018.
^"news - State-of-Art Renewal Project Begins at White Plains Station". MTA. March 30, 2018. Retrieved February 4, 2019.
^Lunden, Jeff (February 1, 2013). "Grand Central, A Cathedral For Commuters, Celebrates 100". NPR. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
^ ab"MNR Map". Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Retrieved February 2, 2019.
^"Subway Map" (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. January 18, 2018. Retrieved January 18, 2018.
^"Manhattan Bus Map" (PDF). Metropolitan Transportation Authority. December 2017. Retrieved April 24, 2018.
^Albright, John Brannon (December 27, 1981). "How to Go Coast to Coast By Train". Retrieved February 2, 2019.
^Browne, Malcolm W. (December 3, 1967). "The 20th Century Makes Final Run; Economics Force Central to End Luxury Service Curtain Is Stolen 'Everything Changes' Service Was Luxurious". The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
^Cameron, Jim (December 3, 2018). "Getting There: Historic 20th Century Limited train service remains unmatched". Connecticut Post. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
^"In "Caves" Below Grand Central, East Side Access Project on Track". The Villager. November 5, 2015. Retrieved January 25, 2019.
^"Capital Programs East Side Access". Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Retrieved February 3, 2018.
^"LIRR Map". Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Retrieved February 2, 2019.
^ abSiff, Andrew (April 16, 2018). "MTA Megaproject to Cost Almost $1B More Than Prior Estimate". NBC New York. Retrieved April 16, 2018.
^ abc"East Side Access Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement" (PDF). p. 22. Retrieved December 16, 2006.
^ abcdefghSchlichting 2001, pp. 62-63
^ abcdefg"PLANS SUBMITTED FOR GREAT GRAND CENTRAL; Station Itself to Spread Out with Double-Deck Tracks. TERMINAL TO USE 19 BLOCKS Express and Local Traffic Separated -- A Monster Concourse -- Forty-three Tracks and Wide Platforms". The New York Times. December 24, 1904. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^ abSchlichting 2001, p. 125
^ abcLangmead 2009, p. 174
^ abc"The Top 10 Secrets of Grand Central Terminal". Untapped Cities.
^ abc"One Place Really Is as Busy as Grand Central Station: The Cliche Has the New York Terminal's Name Wrong, but Its Character Just Right". Los Angeles Times. November 24, 1985. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
^Susman, Tina (June 13, 2013). "At 100, Grand Central still holds secrets". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^ abcdefghRoberts, Sam (January 18, 2013). "100 Years of Grandeur: The Birth of Grand Central Terminal". The New York Times. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ abcdefghijklRoberts 2013
^Solomon, Brian; Mike Schafer (2007). New York Central Railroad. Saint Paul, MN: MBI and Voyageur Press. ISBN 9780760329283. OCLC 85851554.
^Robins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 90
^ ab"Concourse Roof, Grand Central Terminal, New York City". Engineering Record. 67 (8): 210. February 22, 1913. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ abcdefghiLangmead 2009, p. 175
^ abBelle & Leighton 2000, p. 57
^ ab"Central Terminal Opening on Sunday". The New York Times. January 29, 1913. p. 13.
^ ab"Constellations Reversed: New Grand Central Ceiling Has the Heavens Turned Around", The New York TimesMarch 23, 1913, p.10.
^ abcd"What Is That Spot on the Ceiling of Grand Central Terminal?". The New York Times. June 7, 2018. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^ abcRobins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 96
^ abSulzberger, A. G. (April 29, 2009). "Lighting at Grand Central Goes Green With Fluorescent Bulbs". The New York Times. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
^ abcdRobins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 84
^Tkaczyk, Christopher (December 20, 2016). "Take a Look Inside Grand Central Terminal Where Most People Never Get to Go". Travel and Leisure. Retrieved December 21, 2018.
^ abcdefgh"Inaccessible New York: Behind The Scenes At Grand Central Terminal". CBS New York. March 30, 2013. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^Bilotto & DiLorenzo 2017
^ abcdefghijklmno"Grand Central Directory" (PDF). Grand Central Terminal. April 2018. Retrieved December 11, 2018.
^ abGeorge, Tara (September 30, 1998). "A Grander Central". New York Daily News. p. 455. Retrieved December 6, 2018 – via
^Dominus, Susan (November 16, 2009). "Commuters Overlooking Free Treasure". The New York Times. Retrieved February 12, 2019.
^"QUESTIONS OF THE TRAVELER; Every One Has Learned to Consult the Railroad Information Bureau, Which Has Become One of the Chief Aids to Travel". The New York Times. June 11, 1916. Retrieved January 5, 2019.
^ abcdefghiCarlson, Jen (May 12, 2015). "Everything You Never Knew You Wanted To Know About Grand Central Terminal". Gothamist. Retrieved January 5, 2019.
^ abSchumach, Murray (January 20, 1954). "Central Derails its 4-Faced Clock". The New York Times. p. 29. Retrieved February 3, 2014.
^Robins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 125
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A figure of 105 feet is also given by Solis 2005, p. 118.
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The 10-story figure is mentioned by: "9 Secret Spaces Hidden Under Our Cities". Interesting Engineering. December 5, 2017. Retrieved February 10, 2019.
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^ abcdFitch & Waite 1974, p. 4
^Robins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 63
^ abcdefghiGreen, Richard E. (2009). Metro-North Railroad Track Map (Map). § Grand Central Terminal.
^Samson, Peter R. (2004). GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL, Upper Level(PDF).
^ abFitch & Waite 1974, p. 5
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^ abRobins & New York Transit Museum 2013, p. 66
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^ abSchlichting 2001, pp. 8–9
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^ abLangmead 2009, p. 168
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^ abSchlichting 2001, p. 67
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^"MTA | news | MTA Arts for Transit Unveils New Papercut Exhibition at Grand Central". September 27, 2013. Retrieved December 22, 2018.
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^"Industry Star of the Month". Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting. October 1, 2005. Retrieved February 14, 2019.
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^ abChaudhury, Nadia (January 27, 2013). "12 things you didn't know about Grand Central Terminal". Time Out New York. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
^ abcdeLangmead 2009, pp. 165–166
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General references[edit]
Belle, John; Leighton, Maxinne Rhea (2000). Grand Central: Gateway to a Million Lives. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-04765-3.
Bilotto, Gregory; DiLorenzo, Frank (2017). Building Grand Central Terminal. Arcadia Publishing Incorporated. ISBN 978-1-4396-6051-5.
Fitch, James Marston; Waite, Diana S. (1974). Grand Central Terminal and Rockefeller Center: A Historic-critical Estimate of Their Significance. Albany, New York: The Division.
"Grand Central Terminal" (PDF). Landmarks Preservation Commission. August 2, 1967.
"Grand Central Terminal Interior" (PDF). Landmarks Preservation Commission. September 23, 1980.
Langmead, Donald (2009). Icons of American Architecture: From the Alamo to the World Trade Center. Greenwood Icons. Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-34207-3.
Roberts, Sam (January 22, 2013). Grand Central: How a Train Station Transformed America. Grand Central Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4555-2595-9.
Robins, A.W.; New York Transit Museum (2013). Grand Central Terminal: 100 Years of a New York Landmark. ABRAMS. ISBN 978-1-61312-387-4. Retrieved December 6, 2018.
Schlichting, Kurt C. (2001). Grand Central Terminal: Railroads, Architecture and Engineering in New York. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-6510-7.
Further reading[edit]
Federal Writers' Project (1939). New York City: Vol 1, New York City Guide. US History Publishers. ISBN 978-1-60354-055-1.
Fried, Frederick; Gillon, Edmund Vincent Jr. (1976). New York Civic Sculpture: A Pictorial Guide. New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-23258-4.
Middleton, William D. (1999). Grand Central, the World's Greatest Railway Terminal. San Marino: Golden West Books. OCLC 49014602.
O'Hara, Frank; Allen, Donald (1995). The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 168. ISBN 978-0-520-20166-8.
Reed, Henry Hope; Gillon, Edmund Vincent Jr. (1988). Beaux-Arts Architecture in New York: A Photographic Guide. New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-25698-6.
Stern, Robert A. M.; Gilmartin, Gregory; Massengale, John Montague (1983). New York 1900: Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism, 1890–1915. New York: Rizzoli. ISBN 978-0-8478-0511-2.
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