Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 2, 2019

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Muslimbruderschaft - Wikipedia

Die Gesellschaft der Muslimbrüder (Arabisch: جماعة الإخوان المسلمين Jamāʻat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn ] Muslim Brotherhood ( الإخوان المسلمون al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn ) ist eine transnationale sunnitische, islamistische Organisation, die von islamischen Scholar- und Schulklarinetten in Ägypten gegründet wurde 1928. [8] [9] [10] [11] Die Organisation gewann Anhänger in der gesamten arabischen Welt und beeinflusste andere islamistische Gruppen wie die Hamas [12] mit ihrem "Modell des politischen Aktivismus in Kombination mit islamischer Wohltätigkeitsarbeit", [13] und in 2012 sponserte die gewählte politische Partei in Ägypten nach der Januarrevolution im Jahr 2011. Allerdings musste sie wegen angeblicher terroristischer Aktivitäten regelmäßig gegen die Regierung vorgehen, und ab 2015 wird sie von den Regierungen von Bahrain als terroristische Organisation angesehen [14] [15] Ägypten, [16] Russland, [17] Syrien, [18] Saudi-Arabien ] und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. [20]

Das erklärte Ziel der Bruderschaft ist es, den Koran und die Sunnah als "einzigen Bezugspunkt für ... das Leben der muslimischen Familie, des Einzelnen, der Gemeinschaft anzuordnen." .. and state ". [21]

Seit vielen Jahren Die Bewegung wurde von Saudi-Arabien unterstützt, mit dem sie einige Feinde teilte [22] und einige Doktrinpunkte. [23] Die wichtigsten staatlichen Unterstützer der Muslimbruderschaft sind heute Katar und die Türkei. [24]

Als panislamische, religiöse und soziale Bewegung predigte sie den Islam, unterrichtete die Analphabeten und gründete Krankenhäuser und Geschäfte Unternehmen. Die Gruppe breitete sich auf andere muslimische Länder aus, hat aber trotz einer Reihe von Regierungskämpfen im Jahr 1948 ihre größte oder eine ihrer größten Organisationen in Ägypten, [25] [1965013] [26] 1954, . [27] 1965 und 2013 nach Anschlägen oder mutmaßlichen Anschlägen von Mord und Sturz wurden aufgedeckt. [28] [29] [19650101] [30]

Der Arabische Frühling brachte es Legalisierung und erhebliche politische Macht zuerst, aber seit 2013 hat es schwere Umkehrungen erlebt. [31] Die ägyptische Muslimbruderschaft wurde 2011 legalisiert und gewann mehrere Wahlen, [32] einschließlich der Präsidentschaftswahlen 2012, als ihr Kandidat Mohamed Morsi der erste ägyptische Präsident wurde, der durch Wahlen die Macht erlangte, [33] [33] obwohl er ein Jahr später nach massiven Demonstrationen und Unruhen vom Militär gestürzt und unter Hausarrest gestellt wurde [34]

Die Bruderschaft selbst behauptet, eine friedliche, demokratische Organisation zu sein, [35] [36] und dass ihr Führer "Gewalt und Gewalttaten" verurteilt. [37]


Die englischsprachige Website der Bruderschaft beschreibt zunächst die Einführung der islamischen Scharia als "Basis für die Kontrolle der Angelegenheiten von Staat und Gesellschaft" und zweitens, um "islamische Länder und Staaten, vor allem unter den arabischen Staaten, zu vereinen und sie vom fremden Imperialismus zu befreien". [1 9459047] [38]

Laut einem Sprecher der englischsprachigen Website glaubt die Muslimbruderschaft an Reformen, Demokratie, Versammlungsfreiheit, Presse usw.

Wir glauben, dass die politische Reform das wahre und natürliche Tor für alle anderen Arten von Reformen ist. Wir haben angekündigt, dass wir die Demokratie akzeptieren, die politischen Pluralismus, die friedliche Rotation der Macht und die Tatsache, dass die Nation die Quelle aller Mächte ist, anerkennt. Unseres Erachtens umfasst die politische Reform die Aufhebung des Ausnahmezustands, die Wiederherstellung der öffentlichen Freiheiten, einschließlich des Rechts, politische Parteien zu gründen, unabhängig von ihren Tendenzen, Pressefreiheit, Kritik- und Denkfreiheit, Freiheit von Frieden Demonstrationen, Versammlungsfreiheit usw. Dazu gehört auch der Abbau aller Ausnahmegerichte und die Nichtigerklärung aller Ausnahmeregelungen, die die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz schaffen, die es der Justiz ermöglicht, die Wahlen vollständig und wirklich zu überwachen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie authentisch zum Ausdruck kommen der Wille des Volkes, alle Hindernisse beseitigen, die das Funktionieren von Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft einschränken, usw. [39]

Der Gründer Hassan Al-Banna wurde von den islamischen modernistischen Reformern Muhammad Abduh und Rashid Rida ( taqlid des Beamten `ulama und er bestand darauf, dass nur der Koran und die am besten bescheinigten Hadithe sauer sein sollten ces der Sharia ), [40] wobei die Gruppenstruktur und der Ansatz vom Sufismus beeinflusst werden [41] [42] [42] Al-Banna vermied Kontroversen über die Lehre. Sie spielte die Lehrunterschiede zwischen den Schulen herunter (obwohl Bahais und Ahmadi-Muslime mitgenommen wurden) und betonte die politische Bedeutung der weltweiten Einheit der muslimischen Nation (umma). [43]

Als islamische modernistische Überzeugungen von säkularistischen Machthabern vereinnahmt wurden offiziell `ulama die Bruderschaft ist traditionalistisch und konservativ geworden und" das einzige verfügbare Geschäft für diejenigen, deren religiöse und kulturelle Gefühle durch die Auswirkungen der Verwestlichung empört waren ". [44]
Al-Banna glaubte, dass der Koran und die Sunnah eine perfekte Lebensweise und soziale und politische Organisation darstellen, die Gott für den Menschen anstrebt. Die islamischen Regierungen müssen auf diesem System basieren und schließlich in einem Kalifat vereint sein. Das Ziel der Muslimbrüder war, wie der Gründer al-Banna feststellte, britische koloniale und andere westliche Einflüsse zu vertreiben und das Schicksal des Islam zurückzugewinnen - ein Imperium, das sich von Spanien bis Indonesien erstreckt. [45] Die Bruderschaft predigt, dass der Islam soziale Gerechtigkeit, die Beseitigung von Armut, Korruption und sündigem Verhalten sowie politische Freiheit (soweit dies durch die Gesetze des Islam möglich ist) bringen wird. In Verbindung mit den Methoden der modernen Sozialwissenschaften haben einige wichtige Denker der Bruderschaft auch die islamische Perspektive der bürokratischen Wirksamkeit in Betracht gezogen und Lösungen für Probleme des Formalismus und der Verantwortungslosigkeit gegenüber den öffentlichen Anliegen der öffentlichen Verwaltung erarbeitet, die die pro-demokratischen Grundsätze der Muslimbrüder betreffen [46] Solche Variationen der Gedanken haben auch die Realitäten der muslimischen Länder der Gegenwart negiert, wie sie von ihren Autoren verkündet wurden. [47]

In Bezug auf Frauen und Geschlecht interpretiert die Muslimbruderschaft den Islam konservativ. Sein Gründer forderte "eine Kampagne gegen Aufstände in Kleidung und lockerem Verhalten", "Segregation von männlichen und weiblichen Studenten", einen gesonderten Lehrplan für Mädchen und "das Verbot des Tanzens und andere derartige Freizeitbeschäftigungen ..." [48]

Es gab abtrünnige Gruppen aus der Bewegung, darunter Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya und Al Takfir Wal Hijra. [49] Prominente Persönlichkeiten der Bruderschaft sind Sayyid Qutb, ein sehr einflussreicher Denker des Islamismus, und der Autor von Milestones . [50] . Osama bin Laden kritisierte die Bruderschaft und beschuldigte sie, Jihad zu verraten und die Ideale von Qutb [51] [52]


Der "am häufigsten verwendete Slogan" der Bruderschaft (laut BBC) ist "Der Islam ist die Lösung" (الإسلام هو اولل) [53] Laut dem Akademiker Khalil Yusuf lautete sein Motto "traditionell" "Gläubige sind nur Brüder." [54]

Strategie und Organisation

Die Position der Muslimbruderschaft bezüglich der politischen Beteiligung variierte je nach der "inneren Situation" von jeder Zweig, nicht Ideologie. Viele Jahre lang war er in Kuwait und Jordanien "Collaborationist"; für "friedliche Opposition" in Ägypten; "bewaffnete Opposition" in Libyen und Syrien. [55] In Bezug auf seine Aktivitäten im Westen kann die Strategie der Bruderschaft mit einem 12-Punkte-Dokument mit dem Titel Auf dem Weg zu einer weltweiten Strategie für die islamische Politik verbunden sein, das allgemein als The Project bekannt ist. [56] Es wurde am 1. Dezember 1982 von Yusuf al-Qaradawi am Ende einer Reihe von zwei Treffen 1977 und 1982 in Lugano, Schweiz, geschrieben. [57] Der Vertrag weist die Mitglieder der Bruderschaft an, bei ihren Aktivitäten außerhalb der islamischen Welt "Flexibilität" zu zeigen, und ermutigt sie, vorübergehend westliche Werte anzunehmen, ohne von ihren "grundlegenden Prinzipien [Islamic]" abzuweichen. [58]

The Die Muslimbruderschaft ist eine transnationale Organisation, die sich gegen eine politische Partei richtet, aber ihre Mitglieder haben in mehreren Ländern politische Parteien gebildet, beispielsweise in der Islamischen Aktionsfront in Jordanien, in der Hamas in Gaza und im Westjordanland sowie in der ehemaligen Partei für Freiheit und Recht in Ägypten. Diese Parteien sind mit Mitgliedern der Bruderschaft besetzt, werden jedoch im Gegensatz zu Hizb ut-Tahrir, das stark zentralisiert ist, in gewissem Maße von der Muslimbruderschaft unabhängig. [59]
Die Bruderschaft wurde als "Kombination aus Neo-Sufic -Tariqa " (mit al-Banna als Original [19459007Murshid dh Führer der Tariqa) ​​und einer politischen Partei beschrieben. [40] Die ägyptische Bruderschaft hat eine pyramidenförmige Struktur mit "Familien" (oder 19459009), die aus vier bis fünf Personen besteht und von einem Naqib oder "Kapitän" [60] [19650134] geleitet wird unten "Clans" über ihnen, "Gruppen" über Clans und "Bataillone" oder "Phalanxes" über Gruppen. [40] [62] Potentielle Geschwister beginnen als Muhib oder "Liebhaber" und, wenn er genehmigt wurde, den Aufstieg zu einem Muayyad oder "Unterstützer", dann zu Muntasib oder "angeschlossen" (wer sind) Nichtwählende Mitglieder) Wenn ein Muntasib "seine Monitore zufriedenstellt", wird er zu Muntazim oder "Organisator" befördert, bevor er zur Endstufe aufsteigt - ach 'amal oder " Arbeitsbruder ". [60] Mit diesem langsamen vorsichtigen Aufstieg kann die Loyalität potenzieller Mitglieder" auf Herz und Nieren geprüft "und Gehorsam gegenüber Befehlen gesichert werden. [60]

Op der Hierarchie ist das Guidance Office ( Maktab al-Irshad ) und unmittelbar darunter der Shura-Rat. Befehle werden durch eine Befehlskette weitergegeben: [63]

  • Der Shura-Rat hat die Aufgabe zu planen, allgemeine Richtlinien und Programme festzulegen, die das Ziel der Gruppe erreichen. [63] Es besteht aus ungefähr 100 Muslimbrüdern. Wichtige Entscheidungen, beispielsweise die Teilnahme an Wahlen, werden im Shura-Rat debattiert und darüber abgestimmt und anschließend vom Guidance Office ausgeführt. [60] Ihre Beschlüsse sind für die Gruppe verbindlich und nur die Allgemeine Organisationskonferenz kann sie ändern oder aufheben, und das Shura-Büro hat auch das Recht, Beschlüsse des Exekutivbüros zu ändern oder aufzuheben. Es folgt der Umsetzung der Richtlinien und Programme des Konzerns. Es leitet das Exekutivbüro, und es bildet dedizierte Zweigkomitees, die dabei helfen sollen. [63]

  • Exekutivbüro oder Führungsbüro ( Maktab al-Irshad ), das sich zusammensetzt etwa 15 langjährige Muslimbrüder und unter der Führung des Obersten Führers von General Masul (19459007) (murshid ). Jedes Mitglied des Guidance Office beaufsichtigt ein anderes Portfolio, beispielsweise für die Anwerbung von Universitäten, die Ausbildung oder die Politik. Mitglieder des Guidance Office werden vom Shura-Rat gewählt. [60] Die Abteilungen des Guidance / Executive Office umfassen:
    • Exekutivführung

    • Organisationsbüro

    • Generalsekretariat

    • Bildungsbüro

    • Politisches Büro

    • Schwesternbüro

Die Muslimbruderschaft strebte den Aufbau einer transnationalen Organisation an. In den 1940er Jahren organisierte die ägyptische Bruderschaft eine "Abteilung für die Verbindung mit der islamischen Welt", die mit neun Komitees ausgestattet war. [64] Gruppen wurden im Libanon (1936), in Syrien (1937) und Transjordanien (1946) gegründet. Es stellte auch Mitglieder unter den ausländischen Studenten ein, die in Kairo lebten, wo sein Hauptsitz ein Zentrum und ein Treffpunkt für Vertreter der gesamten muslimischen Welt wurde. [65]

In jedem Land mit einem MB gibt es ein Zweigkomitee mit einem Masul (Leiter), der von der General Executive Executive ernannt wird, mit im Wesentlichen den gleichen Zweigabteilungen wie das Executive Office. "Richtig gesprochen" Zweige der Bruderschaft existieren nur in arabischen Ländern des Nahen Ostens, wo sie "theoretisch" dem ägyptischen General Guide untergeordnet sind. Darüber hinaus sponsert die Bruderschaft nationale Organisationen in Ländern wie Tunesien ( Ennahda-Bewegung ), Marokko (Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Wohltätigkeit), Algerien (Bewegung der Gesellschaft für den Frieden). [66] Außerhalb der arabischen Welt hat es auch Einfluss, mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten von Afghanistan, Burhanuddin Rabbani, der MB-Ideen während seines Studiums an der Al-Azhar-Universität übernommen hatte, und viele Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Mudschaheddin-Gruppen in Afghanistan und arabischen MBs. [66] [66] Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia in Malaysia steht der Bruderschaft nahe. [66] Nach Ansicht des Gelehrten Olivier Roy "versichert" eine internationale Agentur "der Bruderschaft" die Zusammenarbeit des Ensembles "seiner nationalen Organisationen. Die "Zusammensetzung der Agentur" ist nicht bekannt, aber die Ägypter haben eine beherrschende Stellung. "[19456596] [66]

In Ägypten


Hassan al-Banna gründete die Muslimbruderschaft in der Stadt Ismailia in März 1928 zusammen mit sechs Arbeitern der Suez Canal Company als panislamische, religiöse, politische und soziale Bewegung. [67] Die Suez-Kanal-Gesellschaft half Banna beim Bau der Moschee in Ismailia, die laut Richard Mitchells The Society of Muslim Brothers als Sitz der Bruderschaft dienen sollte. [68] Laut al-Banna hatte der zeitgenössische Islam seine soziale Dominanz verloren, weil die meisten Muslime durch westliche Einflüsse korrumpiert worden waren. Das auf dem Koran und der Sunnah beruhende Scharia-Gesetz wurde als von Gott verabschiedete Gesetze betrachtet, die auf alle Teile des Lebens angewendet werden sollten, einschließlich der Organisation der Regierung und der Bewältigung alltäglicher Probleme. [69] [19659010] Al-Banna war in seiner Botschaft populistisch, Arbeiter vor der Tyrannei ausländischer und monopolistischer Unternehmen zu schützen. Sie gründete soziale Einrichtungen wie Krankenhäuser, Apotheken, Schulen usw. Al-Banna vertrat sehr konservative Ansichten zu Themen wie Frauenrechten, gegen Gleichberechtigung von Frauen, unterstützte jedoch die Schaffung von Frauengerichtsbarkeit. [48] Die Bruderschaft wuchs rasch von 800 Mitgliedern im Jahr 1936 auf 200.000 im Jahr 1938 und über 2 Millionen im Jahr 1948. [70]

Mit zunehmendem Einfluss widersetzte sie sich der britischen Herrschaft in Ägypten ab 1936 . 19460201] wurde jedoch verboten, nachdem er wegen gewaltsamer Tötung angeklagt wurde [72] einschließlich der Ermordung eines Premierministers durch ein junges Brotherhood-Mitglied. [68] [19656052] 19659053] [74]

Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Im November 1948 verhaftete die ägyptische Regierung nach mehreren Bombenanschlägen und mutmaßlichen Mordversuchen der Bruderschaft 32 Führer des "Geheimapparats" der Bruderschaft und verbot die Bruderschaft. [75] Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte die Bruderschaft 2000 Zweigstellen und 500.000 Mitglieder oder Sympathisanten. [76] In den darauffolgenden Monaten wurde der ägyptische Premierminister von einem Mitglied der Bruderschaft ermordet, und Al-Banna selbst wurde in einem als Vergeltungszyklus bezeichneten Zyklus ermordet.

1952 wurden Mitglieder der Muslimbruderschaft beschuldigt, am Kairoer Feuer teilgenommen zu haben, bei dem rund 750 Gebäude in der Innenstadt von Kairo zerstört wurden - hauptsächlich Nachtclubs, Theater, Hotels und Restaurants, die von Briten und anderen Ausländern frequentiert werden. 19460208]

1952 wurde die ägyptische Monarchie von einer Gruppe nationalistischer Militäroffiziere (Free Officers Movement) gestürzt, die während des ersten Krieges gegen Israel 1948 eine Zelle innerhalb der Bruderschaft gebildet hatte. [78] Nach der Revolution, Gamal Abdel Nasser, der Anführer der "Freien Offizierszelle", setzte Muhammad Neguib nach der Absetzung des ersten ägyptischen Präsidenten in einem Staatsstreich rasch gegen die Bruderschaft ein und beschuldigte sie für einen Versuch seines Lebens. Die Bruderschaft wurde erneut verboten, und diesmal wurden Tausende ihrer Mitglieder inhaftiert, viele wurden gefoltert und jahrelang in Gefängnissen und Konzentrationslagern festgehalten. In den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren suchten viele Mitglieder der Bruderschaft in Saudi-Arabien Schutz. [79] In den 1950er Jahren trat der Schwiegersohn von Al-Banna, Said Ramadan, als führender Führer der Bruderschaft und des inoffiziellen "Außenministers" der Bewegung hervor. Der Ramadan errichtete ein großes Zentrum für die Bruderschaft um eine Moschee in München, die "während der Jahrzehnte in der Wildnis ein Zufluchtsort für die belagerte Gruppe" wurde. 19459120 [80]

In den 70er Jahren nach dem Tod von Nasser und Unter dem neuen Präsidenten (Anwar Sadat) wurde die ägyptische Bruderschaft nach Ägypten eingeladen und begann eine neue Phase der Beteiligung an der ägyptischen Politik. [81] Inhaftierte Brüder wurden freigelassen, und die Organisation wurde bis zur Revolution von 2011 mit periodischen Verhaftungen und Razzien in unterschiedlichem Maße toleriert. [ Zitat erforderlich ]


Während der Mubarak-Ära beobachteten beide verteidigte und kritisierte die Bruderschaft. Es war die größte Oppositionsgruppe in Ägypten, die eine "islamische Reform" und ein demokratisches System in Ägypten forderte. Es hatte ein weites Netz von Unterstützung durch islamische Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen unter armen Ägyptern aufgebaut. [82] Dem ehemaligen Knesset-Mitglied und Autor Uri Avnery zufolge war die Bruderschaft religiös, aber pragmatisch, "tief in die ägyptische Geschichte eingebettet, mehr arabisch und mehr ägyptisch als fundamentalistisch". Es bildete eine "alteingesessene Partei", die angesichts wiederkehrender Verfolgung, Folter, Massenverhaftungen und gelegentlichen Hinrichtungen großen Respekt erlangte. Ihre Anführer sind von der vorherrschenden Korruption nicht betroffen und werden für ihr Engagement für die soziale Arbeit bewundert. [83] Es entwickelte auch eine bedeutende Bewegung im Internet. [84] [85]

Bei den Parlamentswahlen von 2005 wurde die Bruderschaft "praktisch die erste Oppositionspartei der modernen Ära Ägyptens". Trotz Unregelmäßigkeiten bei den Wahlen, einschließlich der Festnahme von Hunderten von Mitgliedern der Bruderschaft, und der Notwendigkeit, ihre Kandidaten als unabhängig zu bezeichnen (die Organisation war technisch illegal), gewann die Bruderschaft 88 Sitze (20% der Gesamtzahl), verglichen mit 14 Sitze für die legale Opposition. [86]

Während ihrer Amtszeit im Parlament stellte die Bruderschaft "eine demokratische politische Herausforderung an das Regime, keine theologische", so ein Journalist der New York Times ] [86] Während ein anderer Bericht ihn dafür lobte, er habe versucht, "das ägyptische Parlament in eine echte gesetzgebende Körperschaft" zu verwandeln, vertraten die Bürger die Verantwortung und hielten die Regierung für "Rechenschaft". [86] [87]

Es blieben jedoch Befürchtungen hinsichtlich ihres Engagements für Demokratie, Gleichberechtigung und Meinungs- und Glaubensfreiheit - oder deren Fehlen. [88] Im Dezember 2006 wurde eine Campusdemonstration von Studenten der Bruderschaft in Uniformen, die Kampfsportübungen demonstrierte, an einige wie Jameel Theyabi verraten, "die Absicht der Gruppe, die Schaffung von Milizenstrukturen zu planen, und eine Rückkehr der Gruppe in die Ära" geheime Zellen " [89] Ein anderer Bericht hob die Bemühungen der Muslimbruderschaft im Parlament hervor, den sogenannten "Krieg der USA gegen die islamische Kultur und Identität" zu bekämpfen, der den damaligen Kultusminister Farouk Hosny dazu zwang, die Veröffentlichung von drei Romanen in den USA zu verbieten Sie förderten Blasphemie und inakzeptable sexuelle Praktiken. [90] Im Oktober 2007 gab die Muslimbrüder eine detaillierte politische Plattform heraus. Sie forderte unter anderem, dass ein Vorstand muslimischer Kleriker die Regierung beaufsichtigte und das Amt der Präsidentschaft auf muslimische Männer beschränkte. Im Kapitel "Probleme und Probleme" der Plattform wurde erklärt, dass eine Frau nicht als Präsidentin geeignet sei, weil die religiösen und militärischen Pflichten des Amtes "ihrer Natur, ihren sozialen und anderen humanitären Aufgaben zuwiderlaufen". Während es "Gleichheit von Männern und Frauen in Bezug auf ihre Menschenwürde" proklamierte, warnte das Dokument davor, "Frauen mit Pflichten gegen ihre Natur oder ihre Rolle in der Familie zu belasten". [91]

Die Bruderschaft war sich nicht einig, ob sie sich an den 32-jährigen Friedensvertrag mit Ägypten halten sollte. Ein stellvertretender Vorsitzender erklärte, die Bruderschaft werde die Auflösung des Vertrages anstreben, [92] während ein Sprecher der Bruderschaft erklärte, die Bruderschaft werde den Vertrag respektieren, solange "Israel echte Fortschritte bei der Verbesserung der Zahl der Palästinenser" zeigt. [93]

2011 Revolution und nach

Nach der ägyptischen Revolution von 2011 und dem Sturz von Hosni Mubarak wurde die Bruderschaft legalisiert [28] und war zunächst sehr erfolgreich und dominierte die Parlamentswahlen 2011 und Präsidentschaftswahlen 2012 vor dem Sturz von Präsident Mohamed Morsi ein Jahr später, was zu einem erneuten Vorgehen gegen die Bruderschaft führte.

Am 30. April 2011 gründete die Bruderschaft eine neue Partei mit dem Namen "Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit", die bei den Parlamentswahlen in Ägypten 2011 235 von 498 Sitzen gewann, weit mehr als jede andere Partei. [94] [94] ] [95] Die Partei lehnte die "Kandidatur von Frauen oder Kopten für die ägyptische Präsidentschaft" ab, nicht jedoch für Kabinettspositionen. [96]

Der Kandidat der Muslim-Bruderschaft für die Präsidentschaftswahlen in Ägypten im Jahr 2012 war Mohamed Morsi, der Ahmed Shafiq besiegte - der letzte Premierminister unter Mubaraks Herrschaft - mit 51,73% der Stimmen. [97] Einige hochrangige Anhänger [98] [99] und ehemalige Bruderschaftsbeamte [100] haben die Feindseligkeit gegenüber dem Zionismus, [101] wiederholt Kampagne Morsi selbst versprach, für friedliche Beziehungen zu Israel einzutreten. [102]

Innerhalb kurzer Zeit entwickelte sich eine ernsthafte öffentliche Opposition gegen Präsident Morsi. Ende November 2012 gestattete er sich "vorübergehend" die Befugnis, ohne richterliche Aufsicht oder Überprüfung seiner Handlungen Gesetze zu erlassen, mit der Begründung, dass er die Nation vor der Machtstruktur der Mubarak-Ära "schützen" müsse. [103] [104] Er legte auch einen Verfassungsentwurf für ein Referendum vor, das von Gegnern als "ein islamistischer Putsch" bezeichnet wurde. [105] Diese Ausgaben [106] - und Besorgnis über die Verfolgung von Journalisten, die Freisetzung von Banden der Bruderschaft für gewaltfreie Demonstranten, die Fortsetzung von Militärprozessen, neue Gesetze, die eine Festnahme ohne gerichtliche Überprüfung bis zu 30 Tagen erlaubten , [107] brachte ab November 2012 Hunderttausende Demonstranten auf die Straße. [108] [109] [109]

Bis April 2013 war Ägypten "zunehmend gespalten" zwischen Präsident Mohamed Morsi und "islamistischen Verbündeten" und einer Opposition "gemäßigter Muslime, Christen und Liberalen". Gegner beschuldigten "Morsi und die Muslimbruderschaft", die Macht zu monopolisieren, während die Verbündeten von Morsi sagen, die Opposition will das Land destabilisieren, um die gewählte Führung zu entgleisen. "[1945658] [194] ]] Zu den Unruhen kam es zu schwerem Brennstoffmangel und Stromausfällen, was bei einigen Ägyptern den Verdacht aufkommen ließ, dass das Ende des Gas- und Elektrizitätsmangels seit dem Sturz von Präsident Mohamed Morsi ein Beweis für eine Verschwörung sei, die ihn untergräbt, obwohl andere Ägypter sagen, es sei ein Beweis für Morsis Misswirtschaft in der Wirtschaft. [111]

Am 3. Juli 2013 wurde Mohamed Morsi aus dem Amt entfernt und vom Militär in Hausarrest gesetzt, [112] es geschah kurz nachdem Massenproteste gegen ihn begannen. [113] [114] [115] [116] [19656087] [117] [117] [117] forderte den Rücktritt von Morsi. Es gab auch bedeutende Gegenproteste zur Unterstützung von Morsi, [118] die ursprünglich gedacht waren, um das einjährige Bestehen Morsis zu feiern, und begannen Tage vor dem Aufstand.
Am 14. August erklärte die Übergangsregierung den einmonatigen Ausnahmezustand, und die Bereitschaftspolizei räumte während des Rabaa-Sit-In-Streiks im August 2013 das pro-Morsi-Sit-In ab. Gewalttätig eskalierte nach bewaffneten Demonstranten, die die Polizei angegriffen hatten Bericht des National Council for Human Rights [119] Bei diesem Vorfall kamen über 600 Menschen ums Leben, 4000 Personen wurden verletzt, [120] [121] die meisten Opfer in der modernen Geschichte Ägyptens. [122] Als Vergeltung plünderten und brannten Anhänger der Bruderschaft Polizeistationen und Dutzende von Kirchen als Reaktion auf die Gewalttat, obwohl ein Sprecher der Muslimbruderschaft die Angriffe auf Christen verurteilte und stattdessen Militärführer für die Planung der Anschläge verantwortlich machte. [123] Das Vorgehen, das darauf folgte, wurde für die Organisation der Bruderschaft "seit acht Jahrzehnten" als das Schlimmste bezeichnet. [124] Am 19. August berichtete Al Jazeera, dass sich "die meisten" Anführer der Bruderschaft in Haft befänden. [125] [126] An diesem Tag wurde der oberste Führer Mohammed Badie verhaftet, [127] überschritt eine "rote Linie", da selbst Hosni Mubarak ihn nie verhaftet hatte. [128] Am 23. September ordnete ein Gericht an, dass die Gruppe geächtet und ihre Vermögenswerte beschlagnahmt wurden. [129] Am 21. Dezember 2013 erklärte Premierminister Hazem Al Beblawi die Muslimbruderschaft als terroristische Vereinigung, nachdem eine Autobombe durch eine Bombe gerissen worden war Die Polizei baute und tötete in der Stadt Mansoura mindestens 14 Menschen, die von der Regierung der Muslimbrüder beschuldigt wurden, obwohl es keine Beweise dafür gab und eine nicht angehörige Sinai-Terrorgruppe, die sich für den Angriff verantwortlich machte. [130]

A Gruppe von Protestkundgebern, die das Rabia-Zeichen tragen und die entsprechende Geste während eines Protestes gegen die Bruderschaft machen, der im Oktober 2013 abgehalten wurde.

Am 24. März 2014 verurteilte ein ägyptisches Gericht 529 Mitglieder der Muslimbruderschaft zum Tod [131] nach einem Angriff auf eine Polizeistation, ein Akt, der von Amnesty International als "die größte Anzahl von gleichzeitigen Todesurteilen, die wir in den letzten Jahren […] weltweit gesehen haben", beschrieben wurde. [132] Bis Mai 2014 haben ungefähr 16.000 Menschen (und bis zu mehr als 40.000 von dem The Economist einen "unabhängigen Grafen" genannt), [133] angeblich meist Mitglieder der Bruderschaft oder Anhänger seit dem Aufstand von 2013 von der Polizei verhaftet. [134] Am 2. Februar 2015 verurteilte ein ägyptisches Gericht weitere 183 Mitglieder der Muslimbruderschaft zum Tode. [135]

Ein Leitartikel in Die New York Times behauptete, dass "Führer der Muslimbruderschaft Die politische Bewegung, die nach dem Volksaufstand in Ägypten im Jahr 2011 zur führenden politischen Bewegung wurde, schmilzt im Gefängnis und wird zu Unrecht als Terroristen gebrandmarkt. [...] Ägyptens vernichtender Autoritarismus könnte eine beträchtliche Anzahl seiner Bürger davon überzeugen, dass Gewalt das einzige Mittel ist, um sie zurückzudrängen ". [136]

Mohamed Morsi wurde am 16. Mai 2015 zusammen mit 120 weiteren Personen zum Tode verurteilt. [137]

Ausländer wurden von einem in der Türkei ansässigen Freiwilligen mit Gewalt bedroht. Satellitenfernsehsender, der im Besitz von Mitgliedern der ägyptischen Muslimbruderschaft ist [138] Gewalt wurde von einem türkischen Büro der ägyptischen Muslimbruderschaft gebilligt. ]

Die Muslimbruderschaft behauptete, Muslime hätten die Bomben der Botroseya-Kirche nicht durchgeführt und behaupteten, es sei ein Bombenanschlag Verschwörung der falschen Flagge durch die ägyptische Regierung und die Kopten, in einer auf Arabisch veröffentlichten Erklärung auf der Website der FJP, [139] deren Behauptung jedoch von 100 Frauen, die an der Studie teilnahmen, Nervana Mahmoud [140] [141] und Hoover Institution und Samuel Tadros, Kollege des Hudson Institute. [142] Die Muslimbruderschaft gab eine arabischsprachige Erklärung heraus, in der behauptet wurde, der Angriff sei von ägyptischen Sicherheitskräften des Innenministeriums durchgeführt worden. [ Zitat nötig ] Die Anti-Coup-Allianz sagte: " Die volle Verantwortung für das Verbrechen "lag auf der" Putschbehörde ". 19459122 ] Die Muslimbrüder veröffentlichten einen englischsprachigen Kommentar zu dem Bombenanschlag und erklärten, sie verurteilten den Terroranschlag. [143]

Mitglieder der Muslim-Bruderschaft in Katar stehen nach Angaben der ägyptischen Regierung im Verdacht, einem Agenten der Muslim-Bruderschaft bei der Bombardierung geholfen zu haben. [144] [145] [146] The Qatar-based supporter was named as Mohab Mostafa El-Sayed Qassem.[147][148][149] The terrorist was named as Mahmoud Shafiq Mohamed Mostaf.[150]

The Arabic-language website of the Muslim Brotherhood commemorated the anniversary of the death of its leader, Hassan al-Banna, and repeated his words calling for the teachings of Islam to spread all over the world and to raise the "flag of Jihad", taking their land, "regaining their glory", "including diaspora Muslims" and demanding an Islamic State and a Muslim government, a Muslim people, a Muslim house, and Muslim individuals.[151] The Brotherhood cited some of Hassan al-Banna's sayings calling for brotherhood between Muslims.[citation needed]

The death of Omar Abdel Rahman, a convicted terrorist, received condolences from the Muslim Brotherhood.[citation needed] Mekameleen TV, a Turkey-based free-to-air satellite television channel run by exiled Brotherhood supporters, mourned his death and claimed it was "martyrdom". Mekameleen supports the Brotherhood[citation needed] Condolences were sent upon Omar Abdel Rahman's death by the website of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party in Egypt.[152]


How much of the blame for the fall from power in Egypt of the Brotherhood and its allied Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) can be placed on the Brotherhood, and how much of it can be placed on its enemies in the Egyptian bureaucracy, media and security establishment is disputed. The Mubarak government's state media portrayed the Brotherhood as secretive and illegal,[153] and numerous TV channels such as OnTV spent much of their air time vilifying the organization.[154] But the Brotherhood took a number of controversial steps and also acquiesced to or supported crackdowns by the military during Morsi's presidency.[155] Before the revolution, the Muslim Brotherhood's supporters appeared at a protest at Al-Azhar University wearing military-style fatigues, after which the Mubarak government accused the organization of starting an underground militia.[156] When it came to power, the Muslim Brotherhood indeed tried to establish armed groups of supporters and it sought official permission for its members to be armed.[157]

General leaders

In the Middle East


In Bahrain, the Muslim Brotherhood ideology is speculated to be represented by the Al Eslah Society and its political wing, the Al-Menbar Islamic Society.[citation needed] Following parliamentary elections in 2002, Al Menbar became the largest joint party with eight seats in the forty-seat Chamber of Deputies. Prominent members of Al Menbar include Dr. Salah Abdulrahman, Dr. Salah Al Jowder, and outspoken MP Mohammed Khalid. The party has generally backed government-sponsored legislation on economic issues, but has sought a clampdown on pop concerts, sorcery and soothsayers.[citation needed] Additionally, it has strongly opposed the government's accession to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights .[158]


Although Iran is a predominately Shi'ite Muslim country and the Muslim Brotherhood has never attempted to create a branch for Shi'ites,[66] Olga Davidson and Mohammad Mahallati claim the Brotherhood has had influence among Shia in Iran.[159]Navab Safavi, who founded Fada'iyan-e Islam, (also Fedayeen of Islam, or Fadayan-e Islam), an Iranian Islamic organization active in Iran in the 1940s and 1950s, was, according to Abbas Milani, "very much enamored of the Muslim Brotherhood".[160]

Iranian Call and Reform Organization, a Sunni Islamist gr oup active in Iran, has been described as an organization "that belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood"[161] or "Iranian Muslim Brotherhood",[162] while it has officially stated that it is not affiliated with the latter.[163]


Erdoğan performing the Rabaa gesture (which is used by Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Egypt protesting against the post-Brotherhood authorities)

The Turkish AKP, the ruling party of Turkey, publicly supported the Muslim Brotherhood during and a few months after the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.[164][165] Then-Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan claimed in an interview that this was because "Turkey would stand by whoever was elected as a result of legitimate elections".[166] According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, each year after Morsi's overthrow has seen the AKP "significantly detach itself from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt".[167]


The Iraqi Islamic Party was formed in 1960 as the Iraqi branch of the Brotherhood,[168] but was banned from 1961 during the nationalist rule of Abd al-Karim Qasim. As government repression hardened under the Baath Party from February 1963, the group was forced to continue underground. After the fall of the Saddam Hussein government in 2003, the Islamic Party has reemerged as one of the main advocates of the country's Sunni community. The Islamic Party has been sharply critical of the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq, but still participates in the political process nevertheless.[169] Its leader is Iraqi Vice-President Tariq Al-Hashimi.

Anti-infidel jihad was encouraged by Imams of the Muslim Brotherhood simultaneously while the US Army was having dialogues with them in Mosul. They pose as modern while encouraging violence at the same time. The role of political representatives of Sunnis was seized on by the Muslim Brotherhood in Mosul since 2003.[citation needed]

The Muslim Brotherhood was an active participation in the "Faith Campaign".[170] An ideology akin to the Brotherhood's was propagated in the faith campaign.[citation needed]

Khaled al-Obaidi said that he received a death threat and was declared a non-Muslim by the Muslim Brotherhood.[171]

A pro-Turkish demonstration was held in London by Muslim Brotherhood-sympathizing Iraqis.[citation needed]

Also, in the north of Iraq there are several Islamic movements inspired by or part of the Muslim Brotherhood network. The Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU), a small political party holding 10 seats in the Kurdish parliament, was believed to be supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 90's.[172] The group leaders and members have been continuously arrested by Kurdish authorities.


'Abd al-Rahman al-Banna, the brother of the Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, went to Mandatory Palestine and established the Muslim Brotherhood there in 1935. Al-Hajj Amin al-Husseini, eventually appointed by the British as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in hopes of accommodating him, was the leader of the group in Palestine.[173] Another important leader associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine was 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam, an inspiration to Islamists because he had been the first to lead an armed resistance in the name of Palestine against the British in 1935.[174] In 1945, the group established a branch in Jerusalem, and by 1947 twenty-five more branches had sprung up, in towns such as Jaffa, Lod, Haifa, Nablus, and Tulkarm, which total membership between 12,000 and 20,000.[citation needed]

Brotherhood members fought alongside the Arab armies during the 1948 Arab–Israeli war, and, after Israel's creation, the ensuing Palestinian refugee crisis encouraged more Palestinian Muslims to join the group. After the war, in the West Bank, the group's activity was mainly social and religious, not political, so it had relatively good relations with Jordan during the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank. In contrast, the group frequently clashed with the Egyptian government that controlled the Gaza Strip until 1967.[175]

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Brotherhood's goal was "the upbringing of an Islamic generation" through the restructuring of society and religious education, rather than opposition to Israel, and so it lost popularity to insurgent movements and the presence of Hizb ut-Tahrir.[176] Eventually, however, the Brotherhood was strengthened by several factors:

  1. The creation of al-Mujamma' al-Islami, the Islamic Center in 1973 by Shaykh Ahmad Yasin had a centralizing effect that encapsulated all religious organizations.

  2. The Muslim Brotherhood Society in Jordan and Palestine was created from a merger of the branches in the West Bank and Gaza and Jordan.

  3. Palestinian disillusion with the Palestinian militant groups caused them to become more open to alternatives.

  4. The Islamic Revolution in Iran offered inspiration to Palestinians. The Brotherhood was able to increase its efforts in Palestine and avoid being dismantled like militant groups because it did not focus on the occupation. While militant groups were being dismantled, the Brotherhood filled the void.[177]


Between 1967 and 1987, the year Hamas was founded, the number of mosques in Gaza tripled from 200 to 600, and the Muslim Brotherhood named the period between 1975 and 1987 a phase of "social institution building."[178] During that time, the Brotherhood established associations, used zakat (alms giving) for aid to poor Palestinians, promoted schools, provided students with loans, used waqf (religious endowments) to lease property and employ people, and established mosques. Likewise, antagonistic and sometimes violent opposition to Fatah, the Palestine Liberation Organization and other secular nationalist groups increased dramatically in the streets and on university campuses.[179]

In 1987, following the First Intifada, the Islamic Resistance Movementor Hamas[177][180] was established from Brotherhood-affiliated charities and social institutions that had gained a strong foothold among the local population. During the First Intifada (1987–93), Hamas militarized and transformed into one of the strongest Palestinian militant groups.

The Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007 was the first time since the Sudanese coup of 1989 that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, that a Muslim Brotherhood group ruled a significant geographic territory.[181] However, the 2013 overthrow of the Mohammad Morsi government in Egypt significantly weakened Hamas's position, leading to a blockade of Gaza and economic crisis.[182]


The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan originates from the merging of two separate groups which represent the two components of the Jordanian public: the Transjordanian and the West Bank Palestinian.[183] On 9 November 1945 the Association of the Muslim Brotherhood (Jam'iyat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin) was officially registered and Abu Qura became its first General Supervisor.[183] Abu Qura originally brought the Brotherhood to Jordan from Egypt after extensive study and spread of the teachings of Imam Hasan al-Banna.[183] While most political parties and movements were banned for a long time in Jordan such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Brotherhood was exempted and allowed to operate by the Jordanian monarchy. In 1948, Egypt, Syria, and Transjordan offered "volunteers" to help Palestine in its war against Israel. Due to the defeat and weakening of Palestine, the Transjordanian and Palestinian Brotherhood merged.[183] The newly merged Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan was primarily concerned with providing social services and charitable work as well as with politics and its role in the parliament. It was seen as compatible with the political system and supported democracy without the forced implementation of Sharia law which was part of its doctrine.[184] However, internal pressures from younger members of the Brotherhood who called for more militant actions as well as his failing health, Abu Qura resigned as the leader of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood. On 26 December 1953, Muhammad 'Abd al-Rahman Khalifa, was elected by the movement's administrative committee as the new leader of the Transjordanian Brotherhood and he retained this position until 1994. Khalifa was different than his predecessor and older members of the organization because he was not educated in Cairo, he was educated in Syria and Palestine. He established close ties with Palestinian Islamists during his educational life which led him to be jailed for several months in Jordan for criticizing Arab armies in the war.[183] Khalifa also reorganized the Brotherhood and applied to the government to designate the Brotherhood as "a comprehensive and general Islamic Committee, instead of the previous basis of operation under the "Societies and Clubs Law". This allowed the Brotherhood to spread throughout the country each with slight socioeconomic and political differences although the majority of the members were of the upper middle class. The radicalization of the Brotherhood began to take place after the peace process between Egypt and Israel, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, as well as their open criticism towards the Jordan-US relationship in the 1970s. Support for the Syrian branch of the Brotherhood also aided the radicalization of the group through open support and training for the rebel forces in Syria. The ideology began to transform into a more militant one which without it would not have the support of the Islamic radicals.[185]

The Jordanian Brotherhood has formed its own political party, the Islamic Action Front. In 1989 they become the largest group in parliament, with 23 out of 80 seats, and 9 other Islamist allies.[186] A Brother was elected president of the National Assembly and the cabinet formed in January 1991 included several MBs.[187] Its radicalization which calls for more militant support for Hamas in Palestine has come into direct conflict with its involvement in the parliament and overall political process. The Brotherhood claimed its acceptance of democracy and the democratic process but only within their own groups. There is a high degree of dissent amongst Brotherhood leaders who do not share the same values therefore undermining its acceptance and commitment to democracy.[citation needed]

In 2011, against the backdrop of the Arab Spring, the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood "mobilized popular protests on a larger, more regular, and more oppositional basis than ever before".[188] and had uniquely positioned themselves as "the only traditional political actor to have remained prominent during [the] new phase of post-Arab Spring activism"[188] which led King Abdullah II and then-Prime Minister Marouf al-Bakhit to invite the Muslim Brotherhood to join Bakhit's cabinet, an offer they refused.[189] The Muslim Brotherhood also boycotted the 2011 Jordanian municipal elections and led the 2011-12 Jordanian protests demanding a constitutional monarchy and electoral reforms, which resulted in the firing of Prime Minister Bakhit and the calling of early general elections in 2013.[188]

As of late 2013, the movement in Jordan was described as being in "disarray".[190] The instability and conflict with the monarchy has led the relationship between the two to crumble. In 2015, some 400 members of the Muslim Brotherhood defected from the original group including top leaders and founding members, to establish another Islamic group, with an allegedly moderate stance. The defectors said that they didn't like how things were run in the group and due to the group's relations with Hamas, Qatar and Turkey, which put suspicion on the group questioning if they are under the influence and working for the benefit of these states and organizations on the expense of the Jordanian state.[191]

On 13 April 2016, Jordanian police raided and shut the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Amman. This comes despite the fact that the Jordanian branch cut ties with the mother Egyptian group in January 2016, a designated terrorist organization, a move that is considered to be exclusively cosmetic by experts. Jordanian authorities state that the reason of closure is because that the Brotherhood is unlicensed and is using the name of the defectors' licensed group. This comes after the Jordanian senate passed a new legislation for the regulation of political parties in 2014, the Muslim Brotherhood did not adhere by the regulations of the new law and so they did not renew their membership.[192]


Qatar continues to back the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani denounced the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état that had taken place in Egypt.[193] In June 2016, Mohamed Morsi was sentenced to a life sentence for passing state secrets to Qatar.[194][195]

The continuous support for the Muslim Brotherhood by Qatar is considered one of the stepping stones that started the 2017-18 Qatar diplomatic crisis.[196]


Egyptian Brethren came to Kuwait in the 1950s as refugees from Arab nationalism and integrated into the education ministry and other parts of the state.
The Brotherhood's charity arm in Kuwait is called Al Eslah (Social Reform Society)[197] and its political arm is called the Islamic Constitutional Movement (ICM) or "Hadas".[198][199] Members of ICM have been elected to parliament and served in the government and are "widely believed to hold sway with the Ministry of Awqaf" (Islamic endowment) and Islamic Affairs, but have never reached a majority or even a plurality — "a fact that has required them to be pragmatic about working with other political groups".[197] During the Invasion of Kuwait, the Kuwait MB (along with other MB in the Gulf States) supported the American-Saudi coalition forces against Iraq and "quit the brotherhood's international agency in protest" over its pro-Sadam stand.[200] However following the Arab Spring and the crackdown on the Egyptian Brotherhood, the Saudi government has put "pressure on other states that have Muslim Brotherhood adherents, asking them to decree that the group is a terrorist organization", and the local Kuwaiti and other Gulf state Brotherhoods have not been spared pressure from their local governments.[197]

Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia helped the Brotherhood financially for "over half a century",[23][201] but the two became estranged during the Gulf War, and enemies after the election of Mohamed Morsi. Inside the kingdom, before the crushing of the Egyptian MB, the Brotherhood was called a group whose "many quiet supporters" made it "one of the few potential threats" to the royal family's control.[202]

The Brotherhood first had an impact inside Saudi Arabia in 1954 when thousands of Egyptian Brethren sought to escape president Gamal Abdel Nasser's clampdown, while (the largely illiterate) Saudi Arabia was looking for teachers—who were also conservative pious Arab Muslims—for its newly created public school system.[203] The Muslim Brotherhood's brand of Islam and Islamic politics differs from the strict Salafi creed, Wahhabiyya, officially held by the state of Saudi Arabia, and MB members "obeyed orders of the ruling family and ulama to not attempt to proselytize or otherwise get involved in religious doctrinal matters within the Kingdom. Nonetheless, the group "methodically ... took control of Saudi Arabia's intellectual life" by publishing books and participating in discussion circles and salons held by princes.[204]
Although the organization had no "formal organizational presence" in the Kingdom,[205] (no political groups or parties are allowed to operate openly)[201] MB members became "entrenched both in Saudi society and in the Saudi state, taking a leading role in key governmental ministries".[206] In particular, many established themselves in Saudi educational system. One expert on Saudi affairs (Stephane Lacroix) has stated: "The education system is so controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, it will take 20 years to change—if at all. Islamists see education as their base" in Saudi Arabia.[207]

Relations between the Saudi ruling family and the Brotherhood became strained with Saudi opposition to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the willingness of Saudi government to allow US troops to be based in the Kingdom to fight Iraq.[206] The Brotherhood supported the Sahwah ("Awakening") movement that pushed for political change in the Kingdom.[208]
In 2002, the then Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef denounced the Brotherhood, saying it was guilty of "betrayal of pledges and ingratitude" and was "the source of all problems in the Islamic world".[23]
The ruling family was also alarmed by the Arab Spring and the example set by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, with president Mohamed Morsi bringing an Islamist government to power by means of popular revolution and elections.[209]Sahwa figures published petitions for reform addressed to the royal government (in violation of Wahhabi quietist doctrine). After the overthrow of the Morsi government in Egypt, all the major Sahwa figures signed petitions and statements denouncing the removal of Morsi and the Saudi government support for it.[206]

In March 2014, in a "significant departure from its past official stance" the Saudi government declared the Brotherhood a "terrorist organization", followed with a royal decree announced that, from now on,

belonging to intellectual or religious trends or groups that are extremist or categorized as terrorist at the local, regional or international level, as well supporting them, or showing sympathy for their ideas and methods in whichever way, or expressing support for them through whichever means, or offering them financial or moral support, or inciting others to do any of this or promoting any such actions in word or writing

will be punished by a prison sentence "of no less than three years and no more than twenty years".[206]


The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria was founded in the 1930s (according to or in 1945, a year before independence from France, (according to journalist Robin Wright). In the first decade or so of independence it was part of the legal opposition, and in the 1961 parliamentary elections it won ten seats (5.8% of the house). But after the 1963 coup that brought the secular Ba'ath Party to power it was banned.[210] It played a major role in the mainly Sunni-based movement that opposed the secularist, pan-Arabist Ba'ath Party. This conflict developed into an armed struggle that continued until culminating in the Hama uprising of 1982, when the rebellion was crushed by the military.[211]

Membership in the Syrian Brotherhood became a capital offense in Syria in 1980 (under Emergency Law 49, which was revoked in 2011), but the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Palestinian group, Hamas, was located in the Syria's capital Damascus, where it was given Syrian government support. This has been cited as an example of the lack of international centralization or even coordination of the Muslim Brotherhood.[212]

The Brotherhood is said to have "resurrected itself" and become the "dominant group" in the opposition by 2012 during the Syrian Civil War according to the Washington Post newspaper.[213] But by 2013 another source described it as having "virtually no influence on the conflict".[214] Syrian President Bashar al-Assad welcomed the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and remarked that "Arab identity is back on the right track after the fall from power of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, which had used religion for its own political gain".[215]

United Arab Emirates

Muslim Brotherhood presence in the United Arab Emirates began with the formation of the Al Islah group in the United Arab Emirates in 1974 with the approval of Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum.[216]

Al Islah in the UAE has openly stated that it shares ideology with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.[217] Al Islah has criticized the UAE for the country's religious tolerance and presence of community Christian churches in the UAE.[218] Since its formation, its members have sought to impose control on state social issues, such as promoting several measures limiting the rights of women.[219][220] Emirati Al Islah member Tharwat Kherbawi said the Muslim Brotherhood finds the present UAE government to be an "impediment", and the country itself to be a "treasure and a crucial strategic and economic prize".[221]

Al Islah was reported to have been secretly forming a military wing that has sought to recruit retired military officers and young Emiratis and is alleged to have plotted the overthrow of the current government and the establishment of an Islamist state in the UAE.[216][222]

In March 2013, a trial began in Abu Dhabi for 94 individuals linked to Al Islah for an attempted coup on the government.[223] Of the 94, 56 suspects received prison sentences ranging between three and ten years. Eight suspects were sentenced in absentia to 15 years in jail and 26 were acquitted.[224]

On 7 March 2014, the Muslim Brotherhood was designated as a terrorist group by the UAE government.[20]


The Muslim Brothers fought with North Yemen in the NDF rebellion as Islamic Front.
The Muslim Brotherhood is the political arm of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, commonly known as Al-Islah. Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh made substantial efforts to entrench the accusations of being in league with Al Qaeda.[225]

The Treasury Department of the US used the label "Bin Laden loyalist" for Abdul Majeed al-Zindani, the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood's leader.[226]

Elsewhere in Africa


The Muslim Brotherhood reached Algeria during the later years of the French colonial presence in the country (1830–1962).[citation needed] Sheikh Ahmad Sahnoun led the organization in Algeria between 1953 and 1954 during the French colonialism.[citation needed] Brotherhood members and sympathizers took part in the uprising against France in 1954–1962, but the movement was marginalized during the largely secular FLN one-party rule which was installed at independence in 1962. It remained unofficially active, sometimes protesting the government and calling for increased Islamization and Arabization of the country's politics.[citation needed]

When a multi-party system was introduced in Algeria in the early 1990s, the Muslim Brotherhood formed the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP, previously known as Hamas), led by Mahfoud Nahnah until his death in 2003 (he was succeeded by present party leader Boudjerra Soltani). The Muslim Brotherhood in Algeria did not join the Front islamique du salut (FIS), which emerged as the leading Islamist group, winning the 1991 elections and which was banned in 1992 following a military coup d'état, although some Brotherhood sympathizers did. The Brotherhood subsequently also refused to join the violent post-coup uprising by FIS sympathizers and the Armed Islamic Groups (GIA) against the Algerian state and military which followed, and urged a peaceful resolution to the conflict and a return to democracy. It has thus remained a legal political organization and enjoyed parliamentary and government representation. In 1995, Sheikh Nahnah ran for President of Algeria finishing second with 25.38% of the popular vote. During the 2000s (decade), the party—led by Nahnah's successor Boudjerra Soltani—has been a member of a three-party coalition backing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.


A group of the Muslim Brotherhood came to the Libyan kingdom in the 1950s as refugees escaping crackdown by the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, but it was not able to operate openly until after the First Libyan Civil War. They were viewed negatively by King Idris of Libya who had become increasingly wary of their activities. Muammar Gaddafi forbade all forms of Islamism in Libya and was an archenemy to the Muslim Brotherhood for long time. The group held its first public press conference on 17 November 2011, and on 24 December the Brotherhood announced that it would form the Justice and Construction Party (JCP) and contest the General National Congress elections the following year.[227][228] The Libyan Muslim Brotherhood has "little history of interactions with the masses."[229]

Despite predictions based on fellow post-Arab Spring nations Tunisia and Egypt that the Brotherhood's party would easily win the elections, it instead came a distant second to the National Forces Alliance, receiving just 10% of the vote and 17 out of 80 party-list seats.[230] Their candidate for Prime Minister, Awad al-Baraasi was also defeated in the first round of voting in September, although he was later made a Deputy Prime Minister under Ali Zeidan.[231][232] A JCP Congressman, Saleh Essaleh is also the vice speaker of the General National Congress.[233]

The Party of Reform and Development is led by Khaled al-Werchefani, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood.[234]

Sallabi, the Head of Homeland Party, has close ties to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the international Muslim Brotherhood.[235][citation needed]

The Muslim Brotherhood in Libya has come under widespread criticism, particularly for their alleged ties with extremist organizations operating in Libya.[236] In fact, the text of the U.S. Congress Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2015 directly accuses the militias of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood of "joining forces with United States designated terrorist organizations, particularly Ansar al-Sharia" who the United States blames for the attack on its compound in Benghazi.[237][238] There have been similar reports that those tasked with guarding the Benghazi consulate on the night of the assault were connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.[239]

The Libyan Muslim Brotherhood has lost much of its popular support since 2012 as the group was blamed for divisions in the country. Secular Libyan politicians have continued to voice concerns of the Brotherhood's ties to extremist groups. In October 2017, spokesman of the Libyan National Army (LNA) colonel Ahmed Al Masmary claimed that "branches of the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated to al-Qaeda" had joined forces with ISIS in Libya.[240] In the 2014 parliamentary elections, the Muslim Brotherhood won only 25 of the 200 available seats.[241]


Changes to the demographic and political makeup of Mauritania in the 1970s heavily contributed to the growth of Islamism within Mauritanian society. Periods of severe drought resulted in urbanization, as large numbers of Mauritanians moved from the countryside to the cities, particularly Nouakchott, to escape the drought. This sharp increase in urbanization resulted in new civil associations being formed, and Mauritania's first Islamist organisation, known as Jemaa Islamiyya (Islamic Association) was formed by Mauritanians sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.[242]

There was increased activism relating to the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1980s, partially driven by members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.[242]

In 2007 the National Rally for Reform and Development, better known as Tewassoul, was legalized as a political party. The party is associated with the Mauritanian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.[242]


The Justice and Development Party was the largest vote-getter in Morocco's 2011 election, and as of May 2015, held the office of Prime Minister.[31] It is historically affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood,[citation needed] however, despite this, the party has reportedly "ostentatiously" praised the King of Morocco, while "loudly insisting that it is in no sense whatsoever a Muslim Brotherhood party"[31]—a development one source (Hussein Ibish), calls evidence of how "regionally discredited the movement has become".[citation needed]


Somalia's wing of the Muslim Brotherhood is known by the name Harakat Al-Islah or "Reform Movement".[citation needed] Muslim Brotherhood ideology reached Somalia in the early 1960s, but Al-Islah movement was formed in 1978 and slowly grew in the 1980s.[citation needed] Al-Islah has been described as "a generally nonviolent and modernizing Islamic movement that emphasizes the reformation and revival of Islam to meet the challenges of the modern world", whose "goal is the establishment of an Islamic state" and which "operates primarily in Mogadishu".[243] The organization structured itself loosely and was not openly visible on the political scene of Somali society.[citation needed]


Until the election of Hamas in Gaza, Sudan was the one country where the Brotherhood was most successful in gaining power, its members making up a large part of the government officialdom following the 1989 coup d'état by General Omar al-Bashir.[citation needed] However, the Sudanese government dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated National Islamic Front (NIF) has come under considerable criticism for its human rights policies, links to terrorist groups, and war in southern Sudan and Darfur.[citation needed]

In 1945, a delegation from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt visited Sudan and held various meetings inside the country advocating and explaining their ideology.[244][need quotation to verify] Sudan has a long and deep history with the Muslim Brotherhood compared to many other countries. By April 1949, the first branch of the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood organization emerged.[244][need quotation to verify] However, simultaneously, many Sudanese students studying in Egypt were introduced to the ideology of the Brotherhood. The Muslim student groups also began organizing in the universities during the 1940s, and the Brotherhood's main support base has remained to be college educated.[244][need quotation to verify] In order to unite them, in 1954, a conference was held, attended by various representatives from different groups that appeared to have the same ideology. The conference voted to establish a Unified Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood Organization based on the teachings of Imam Hassan Al-banna.[244][need quotation to verify]

An offshoot of the Sudanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Charter Front grew during the 1960, with Islamic scholar Hasan al-Turabi becoming its Secretary general in 1964.[245][need quotation to verify] The Islamic Charter Front (ICM) was renamed several times most recently being called the National Islamic Front (NIF). The Muslim Brotherhood/NIF's main objective in Sudan was to Islamize the society "from above" and to institutionalize the Islamic law throughout the country where they succeeded. To that end the party infiltrated the top echelons of the government where the education of party cadre, frequently acquired in the West, made them "indispensable". This approach was described by Turabi himself as the `jurisprudence of necessity`.[246][need quotation to verify]

Meeting resistance from non-Islamists, from already established Muslim organisations, and from non-Muslims in the south, the Sudanese NIF government under Turabi and the NIF organized a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government in 1989, organized the Popular Defense Force which committed "widespread, deliberate and systematic atrocities against hundreds of thousands of southern civilians" in the 1990s.[247] The NIF government also employed "widespread arbitrary and extrajudicial arrest, torture, and execution of labor union officials, military officers, journalists, political figures and civil society leaders".[247][need quotation to verify]

The views of at least some elements of the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood were highlighted in a 3 August 2007 Al-Jazeera television interview of Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Sadeq Abdallah bin Al-Majed. As translated by the Israeli-based MEMRI, Bin Al-Majed told his interviewer that "the West, and the Americans in particular ... are behind all the tragedies that are taking place in Darfur", as they "realized that it Darfur is full of treasures"; that "Islam does not permit a non-Muslim to rule over Muslims"; and that he had issued a fatwa prohibiting the vaccination of children, on the grounds that the vaccinations were "a conspiracy of the Jews and Freemasons".[248]


Like their counterparts elsewhere in the Islamic world in general, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has influenced the Tunisian Islamists.[citation needed] One of the notable organization that was influenced and inspired by the Brotherhood is Ennahda (The Revival or Renaissance Party), which is Tunisia's major Islamist political grouping. An Islamist[who?] founded the organization in 1981.[citation needed] While studying in Damascus and Paris, Rashid Ghannouchi embraced the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, which he disseminated on his return to Tunisia.[citation needed]



The Islamic Community of Germany (de: Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland e.V, IGD) being constituent and founding organisation of the MB umbrella organisation FIOE, the MB is active in Germany with the IGD as a proxy. IGD members take care to not publicly declare their affiliation to the MB.[249]


The Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Russia as a terrorist organisation.[250]

As affirmed on 14 February 2003 by the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia, the Muslim Brotherhood coordinated the creation of an Islamic organisation called The Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Forces of Caucasian Mujahedeen [ru] (Russian: Высший военный маджлисуль шура объединённых сил моджахедов Кавказа)led by Ibn Al-Khattab and Basaev; an organisation that committed multiple terror-attack acts in Russia and was allegedly financed by drug trafficking, counterfeiting of coins and racketeering.[250]

United Kingdom

The first MB-affiliated organisations in the UK were founded in the 1960s, which comprised exiles and overseas students.[251] They promoted the works of Indian theologician Abu A'la Mawdudi and represented the Jama'at-e-Islami. In their initial phase they were politically inactive in the UK as they assumed they would return to their home countries and instead focused on recruiting new members and to support the MB in the Arab World.[251]

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the MB and its associated organisations changed to a new strategy of political activity in western countries with the purpose to promote the MB overseas but also preserve the autonomy of Muslim communities in the UK.[251]

In the 1990s, the MB established publicly visible organisations and ostensibly "national" organisations to further its agenda, but membership in the MB was and remains a secret.[251] The MB dominated the Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) and founded the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB). MAB became politically active in foreign policy issues such as Palestine and Iraq, while MCB established a dialogue with the then governments.[251]

In 1996, the first representative of the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK, Kamal el-Helbawy, an Egyptian, was able to say that "there are not many members here, but many Muslims in the UK intellectually support the aims of the Muslim Brotherhood".[citation needed]

In September 1999, the Muslim Brotherhood opened a "global information centre" in London.[citation needed]

Since 2001, the ISB has distanced itself from Muslim Brotherhood ideology along with the MCB.[251]

In April 2014, David Cameron, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the time, launched an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood's activities in the UK and its alleged extremist activities.[252] Egypt welcomed the decision.[citation needed] After Cameron's decision, the Muslim Brotherhood reportedly moved its headquarters from London to Austria attempting to avoid the investigation.[citation needed]

In a 2015 government report, the MB was found to not have been linked to terrorist related activity against in the UK and MAB has condemned Al-Qaeda terrorist activity in the UK.[251]

Other states


Several parties and organizations in Indonesia are linked or at least inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood, although none have a formal relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked parties is the PKS (Prosperous Justice Party)[253][254],which gained 6.79% of votes in the 2014 legislative election, down from 7.88% in the 2009 election. The PKS's relationship with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was confirmed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader.[255][need quotation to verify] The PKS was a member of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's government coalition with 3 ministers in the cabinet.


The Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), the oldest and largest mainstream Islamist party in Malaysia, has close personal and ideological ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.[256][257] Founded in 1951, PAS's founders were exposed to the ideas and teachings while they were studying in Cairo during the 1940s. PAS is the main rival to the Malay nationalist United Malays National Organisation, which dominated Malaysian politics until 2018. According to the think tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs' CEO Wan Saiful Wan Jan, PAS is regarded by the Muslim Brotherhood as an electorally successful Islamic political party; PAS has governed the state of Kelantan since 2002. PAS representatives are often invited to Muslim Brotherhood speaking engagements overseas. In 2012, PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang spoke alongside Muslim Brotherhood scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi at a speaking event in London.[258] In April 2014, PAS leader Abdul Awang spoke out against Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates' decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.[259]

According to Bubalo and Fealy, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (or the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia) was inspired or influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood.[260]

United States

According to a 2004 article by The Washington PostU.S. Muslim Brotherhood supporters "make up the U.S. Islamic community's most organized force" by running hundreds of mosques and business ventures, promoting civic activities, and setting up American Islamic organizations to defend and promote Islam.[261] In 1963, the U.S. chapter of Muslim Brotherhood was started by activists involved with the Muslim Students Association (MSA).[23] U.S. supporters of the Brotherhood also started other organizations including: North American Islamic Trust in 1971, the Islamic Society of North America in 1981, the American Muslim Council in 1990, the Muslim American Society in 1992 and the International Institute of Islamic Thought in the 1980s.[23] In addition, according to An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North Americathe "Understanding of the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America", and a relatively benign goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is identified as the following:

Establishing an effective and a stable Islamic movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims' causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims' efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state wherever it is.[262][263]

Penned in May of 1991 by a man named Mohamed Akram Adlouni, the 'Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America' was discovered during an FBI raid of a Virginia home in 2004. The document was admitted as an exhibit to the court during the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, in which that group was charged with laundering money. After the trial, the document became public. But, according to a 2009 opinion by the presiding judge, the memo was not considered 'supporting evidence' for that alleged money laundering scheme, nor any other conspiracy.[264]

The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.

During the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007, several documents pertaining to the Brotherhood were unsuccessful in convincing the courts that the Brotherhood was involved in subversive activities. In one, dated 1984 called "Ikhwan in America" (Brotherhood in America), the author alleges that the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US include going to camps to do weapons training (referred to as special work by the Muslim Brotherhood),[266] as well as engaging in counter-espionage against U.S. government agencies such as the FBI and CIA (referred to as Securing the Group).[267] Another (dated 1991) outlined a strategy for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States that involved "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within".[268][269][270]

Penned in May of 1991 by a man named Mohamed Akram Adlouni, the 'Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America' was discovered during an FBI raid of a Virginia home in 2004. The document was admitted as an exhibit to the court during the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, in which that group was charged with laundering money. After the trial, the document became public. But, according to a 2009 opinion by the presiding judge, the memo was not considered 'supporting evidence' for that alleged money laundering scheme, nor any other conspiracy.[271]

The documents continue to be widely publicized in American conservative circles.[268][272]

U.S. Congress attempts to pass legislation criminalizing the group, put forward by the 114th Congress, were defeated. The Bill, called the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2015, was introduced to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). In it the bill states that the Department of State should designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. If passed, the bill would have required the State Department to report to Congress within 60 days whether or not the group fits the criteria, and if it did not, to state which specific criteria it had not met.[273] Senator Cruz announced the legislation along with Representative Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) in November 2015. However, it did not pass.[citation needed]

This bill came after a handful of foreign countries made similar moves in recent years including Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and others, and after, according to Cruz, recent evidence emerged suggesting that the group supports terrorism. The senator further alleged that the group's stated goal is to wage violent jihad against its enemies, which includes the United States, and the fact that the Obama administration has listed numerous group members on its terror list. Cruz further stated that the bill would "reject the fantasy that [the] parent institution [of the Muslim Brotherhood] is a political entity that is somehow separate from these violent activities".[274]

The bill identifies three Muslim Brotherhood entities in the U.S. including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a non-profit group denounced by the UAE for its MB ties. This group is regarded by the Egyptian government as a Brotherhood lobby in the United States.[citation needed] The other two entities are the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).[275]

Conservatives in the Congress believe that the group is a breeding ground for radical Islam. Previous attempts were made in the previous year by Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN), but it failed largely due to her allegation that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's aide, had links to the organization, a statement which was dismissed by establishment Democrats and Republicans.[274]

In February 2016, the House Judiciary Committee approved the legislation in a 17 to 10 vote, which if enacted could increase grounds for enforcing criminal penalties and give permission to the Secretary of Treasury to block financial transactions and freeze assets of anyone who has showed material support for the group.[276] Scholars against this classification claim that the group simply promotes Islamism, or the belief that society should be governed according to Islamic values and Sharia law.[277]

Past U.S. presidential administrations have examined whether to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and have decided not to do so.[278] During the George W. Bush administration, the U.S. government investigated the Brotherhood and associated Islamist groups, but "after years of investigations, ... the U.S. and other governments, including Switzerland's, closed investigations of the Brotherhood leaders and financial group for lack of evidence, and removed most of the leaders from sanctions lists."[279] The Obama administration was also pressured to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, but did not do so.[280][281]


The Brotherhood was criticised by Ayman al-Zawahiri in 2007 for its refusal to advocate the violent overthrow of the Mubarak government. Issam al-Aryan, a top Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood figure, denounced the al-Qaeda leader: "Zawahiri's policy and preaching bore dangerous fruit and had a negative impact on Islam and Islamic movements across the world".[282]

Dubai police chief,Dhahi Khalfan accused Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood of an alleged plot to overthrow the UAE government. He referred to the Muslim Brotherhood as "dictators" who want "Islamist rule in all the Gulf States".[283]

The Sudanese Muzammil Faqiri attacked the Muslim Brotherhood for murdering people and said that Takfir wal-Hijra, ISIS, Sururism and Al-Qaeda were products of the Muslim Brotherhood.[284]

Dr. Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari denounced the Islamist and leftist excuse used by people with hidden motives, who say that Muslim Brotherhood people being tortured is a reason for radical religious extremism.[285]

The label of "colonialist movement" was used against the Muslim Brotherhood, which was accused of anti-Nubian discrimination and racism by Osama Farouq, a Nubian leader in Egypt.[286]

The Muslim Brotherhood has been denounced by Bassem Youssef.[287]


Numerous officials and reporters question the sincerity of the Muslim Brotherhood's pronouncements. These critics include, but are not limited to:

  • Juan Zarate, former U.S. White House counterterrorism chief (quoted in the conservative publication, FrontPage Magazine): "The Muslim Brotherhood is a group that worries us not because it deals with philosophical or ideological ideas but because it defends the use of violence against civilians".[288][289]

  • Miles Axe Copeland, Jr., a prominent U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative who was one of the founding members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) under William Donovan, divulged the confessions of numerous members of the Muslim Brotherhood. These confessions resulted from the harsh interrogations done against them by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, for their alleged involvement in the assassination attempt made against Nasser (an assassination attempt that many believe was staged by Nasser himself).[290] They revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood was merely a "guild" that fulfilled the goals of western interests: "Nor was that all. Sound beatings of the Moslem Brotherhood organizers who had been arrested revealed that the organization had been thoroughly penetrated, at the top, by the British, American, French and Soviet intelligence services, any one of which could either make active use of it or blow it up, whichever best suited its purposes. Important lesson: fanaticism is no insurance against corruption; indeed, the two are highly compatible".[291]

  • Former U.S. Middle East peace envoy Dennis Ross, who told Asharq Alawsat newspaper that the Muslim Brotherhood is a global, not a local organization, governed by a Shura (Consultative) Council, which rejects cessation of violence in Israel, and supports violence to achieve its political objectives elsewhere too.[292]

  • The Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud has alleged that the Muslim Brotherhood organization was the cause of most problems in the Arab world. 'The Brotherhood has done great damage to Saudi Arabia', he said. Prince Naif accused the foremost Islamist group in the Arab world of harming the interests of Muslims. 'All our problems come from the Muslim Brotherhood. We have given too much support to this group..." "The Muslim Brotherhood has destroyed the Arab world', he said. 'Whenever they got into difficulty or found their freedom restricted in their own countries, Brotherhood activists found refuge in the Kingdom which protected their lives... But they later turned against the Kingdom...' The Muslim Brotherhood has links to groups across the Arab world, including Jordan's main parliamentary opposition, the 'Islamic Action Front', and the 'Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas'". The Interior Minister's outburst against the Brotherhood came amid mounting criticism in the United States of Saudi Arabia's longstanding support for Islamist groups around the world..."[293]

  • Sarah Mousa of Al Jazeera reported on the Muslim Brotherhood's highly improbable claim that opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammad ElBaradei (who has had a "rocky" relationship with the US) was "an American agent", and observed that the since-defunct Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Shura Council's support of the slander demonstrated a lack of commitment to democracy.[294]

  • Scholar Carrie Rosefsky Wickham finds official Brotherhood documents ambiguous on the issue of democracy: "This raises the question of whether the Brotherhood is supporting a transition to democracy as an end in itself or as a first step toward the ultimate establishment of a political system based not on the preferences of the Egyptian people but the will of God as they understand it".[295]

Status of non-Muslims

  • In 1997, Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mustafa Mashhur told journalist Khalid Daoud[296] that he thought Egypt's Coptic Christians and Orthodox Jews should pay the long-abandoned jizya poll tax, levied on non-Muslims in exchange for protection from the state, rationalized by the fact that non-Muslims are exempt from military service while it is compulsory for Muslims. He went on to say, "we do not mind having Christian members in the People's Assembly... [T]he top officials, especially in the army, should be Muslims since we are a Muslim country... This is necessary because when a Christian country attacks the Muslim country and the army has Christian elements, they can facilitate our defeat by the enemy".[297] According to The Guardian newspaper, the proposal caused an "uproar" among Egypt's 16 million Coptic Christians and "the movement later backtracked".[298]

Response to criticisms

According to authors writing in the Council on Foreign Relations magazine Foreign Affairs: "At various times in its history, the group has used or supported violence and has been repeatedly banned in Egypt for attempting to overthrow Cairo's secular government. Since the 1970s, however, the Egyptian Brotherhood has disavowed violence and sought to participate in Egyptian politics".[299] Jeremy Bowen, the Middle East editor for the BBC, called it "conservative and non-violent".[300] The Brotherhood "has condemned" terrorism and the 9/11 attacks.[301][302]

The Brotherhood itself denounces the "catchy and effective terms and phrases" like "fundamentalist" and "political Islam" which it claims are used by "Western media" to pigeonhole the group, and points to its "15 Principles" for an Egyptian National Charter, including "freedom of personal conviction ... opinion ... forming political parties ... public gatherings ... free and fair elections ..."[38]

Similarly, some analysts maintain that whatever the source of modern Jihadi terrorism and the actions and words of some rogue members, the Brotherhood now has little in common with radical Islamists and modern jihadists who often condemn the Brotherhood as too moderate. They also deny the existence of any centralized and secretive global Muslim Brotherhood leadership.[303] Some claim that the origins of modern Muslim terrorism are found in Wahhabi ideology, not that of the Muslim Brotherhood.[304][305]

According to anthropologist Scott Atran, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood even in Egypt has been overstated by Western commentators. He estimates that it can count on only 100,000 militants (out of some 600,000 dues paying members) in a population of more than 80 million, and that such support as it does have among Egyptians—an often cited figure is 20 percent to 30 percent—is less a matter of true attachment than an accident of circumstance: secular opposition groups that might have countered it were suppressed for many decades, but in driving the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, a more youthful constellation of secular movements has emerged to threaten the Muslim Brotherhood's dominance of the political opposition.[306] This has not yet been the case, however, as evidenced by the Brotherhood's strong showing in national elections. Polls also indicate that a majority of Egyptians and other Arab nations endorse laws based on "Sharia".[307][308]

Foreign relations

On 29 June 2011, as the Brotherhood's political power became more apparent and solidified following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the United States announced that it would reopen formal diplomatic channels with the group, with whom it had suspended communication as a result of suspected terrorist activity. The next day, the Brotherhood's leadership announced that they welcomed the diplomatic overture.[309]

In September 2014, Brotherhood leaders were expelled from Qatar. The New York Times reported: "Although the Brotherhood's views are not nearly as conservative as the puritanical, authoritarian version of Islamic law enforced in Saudi Arabia, the Saudis and other gulf monarchies fear the group because of its broad organization, its mainstream appeal and its calls for elections".[310]

Designation as a terrorist organization

Countries and organizations below have officially listed the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Outside the Middle East

In February 2003, the Supreme Court of Russia banned the Muslim Brotherhood, labelling it as a terrorist organization, and accusing the group of supporting Islamist rebels who want to create an Islamic state in the North Caucasus.[318][319]

In January 2017, during his confirmation hearing, the former U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, referred to the Muslim Brotherhood, along with Al-Qaeda, as an agent of radical Islam—a characterization that Human Rights Watch member Sarah Leah Whitson criticized on social media, disseminating a statement from the HRW Washington director saying that the conflation of the group with violent extremists was inaccurate.[320] The following month, The New York Times reported that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump was considering an order designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.[321][322]

The Muslim Brotherhood was criticized by Secretary Tillerson.[323] The terrorist designation for the Muslim Brotherhood is opposed by Human Rights Watch and The New York Timesboth liberal-leaning institutions.[324] The potential terrorist designation was criticized, in particular, by Human Rights Watch member Laura Pitter.[322]The New York Times set forth its opposition in an editorial that claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood is a collection of movements, and argued that the organization as a whole does not merit the terrorist designation: "While the Brotherhood calls for a society governed by Islamic law, it renounced violence decades ago, has supported elections and has become a political and social organization".[325] The designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization is opposed by the Brennan Center for Justice, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Council of American-Islamic Relations and American Civil Liberties Union.[326]

Human Rights Watch and its director Kenneth Roth oppose proposals to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.[327]

Gehad El-Haddad, a Muslim Brotherhood member, denied that terrorism was practiced by the Muslim Brotherhood in an editorial published by The New York Times.[328]

In a report by the Carnegie Middle East Center, Nathan Brown and Michele Dunne argued that "designating the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization may actually backfire," writing: "The sweeping measure to declare the Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization now being contemplated not only does not accord with the facts, but is also more likely to underm ine than achieve its ostensible purpose and could result in collateral damage affecting other U.S. policy goals. The greatest damage might be in the realm of public diplomacy, as using a broad brush to paint all Muslim Brotherhood organizations as terrorists would be understood by many Muslims around the world as a declaration of war against non-violent political Islamists—and indeed against Islam itself."[329]

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt avoids directly implicating itself materially in terrorism while it supports terrorism with words and encourages it, according to WINEP fellow Eric Trager, who advocated pushing them into a corner instead of designating them due to issues with materially connecting them to terrorism other than with their words.[330]

The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Washington Post oppose designation of the group as a terrorist organization.[325][331]

Civil rights lawyer and adjunct professor of law Arjun Singh Sethi wrote that the push to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization was based on anti-Islamic conspiracy theories, noting that "Two previous U.S. administrations concluded that it does not engage in terrorism, as did a recent report by the British government."[332]

Ishaan Tharoor of The Washington Post condemned the movement to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist group.[333]

A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) intelligence report from January 2017 warned that designation of the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization "may fuel extremism" and harm relations with U.S. allies. The report noted that the Brotherhood had "rejected violence as a matter of official policy and opposed al-Qa'ida and ISIS" and that while "a minority of MB [Muslim Brotherhood] members have engaged in violence, most often in response to harsh regime repression, perceived foreign occupation, or civil conflicts", designation of the organization as a terrorist group would prompt concern from U.S. allies in the Middle East "that such a step could destabilize their internal politics, feed extremist narratives, and anger Muslims worldwide." The CIA analysis stated: "MB groups enjoy widespread support across the Near East-North Africa region and many Arabs and Muslims worldwide would view an MB designation as an affront to their core religious and societal values. Moreover, a US designation would probably weaken MB leaders' arguments against violence and provide ISIS and al-Qa'ida additional grist for propaganda to win followers and support, particularly for attacks against US interests."[334]

An article in The Atlantic against designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization was written by Shadi Hamid.[335]

Relationship to diplomatic crises in Qatar

Qatar's relationship with Muslim Brotherhood has been a persistent point of contention between Qatar and other Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Egypt, which view the Brotherhood as a serious threat to social stability in those countries.[1 9459478][336]

Following the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, Qatar allowed some Brotherhood members who fled Egypt to live in the country. The Qatar-based Al Jazeera "housed them in a five-star Doha hotel and granted them regular airtime for promoting their cause"; the station also broadcast protests against the post-Brotherhood authorities in Egypt by the Brotherhood, "and in some cases allegedly paid Muslim Brothers for the footage."[336] Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain said that Qatar had violated the Gulf Cooperation Council rule against interference in the internal affairs of other members, and in March 2014 all three countries withdrew their ambassadors from Qatar. After two months the diplomatic tensions, the issue with resolved, with Brotherhood leaders departing from Doha later in 2014.[336]

However, "from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE's standpoint, Qatar never lived up to the 2014 agreement and continued to serve as the nexus of the Brotherhood's regional networks."[336] This led to the 2017 Qatar diplomatic crisis, which is viewed as being precipitated in large part by a conflict over the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt made 13 demands of the government of Qatar, six of which reflect the group's opposition to Qatar's relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and demand that the country cut ties to the Brotherhood.[336]

See also

  1. ^ What is the Muslim Brotherhood?, Al Jazeera, 18 June 2017

  2. ^ Rick Perry and the Muslim Brotherhood: Compare and Contrast - Mona Eltahawy on social conservatism in Egypt and the U.S., J.J. GOULD, June 30, 2013

  3. ^ The Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of Political Islam in Egypt, Ashraf El-Sherif, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website, October 21, 2014

  4. ^ Washington’s Secret History with the Muslim Brotherhood, Ian Johnson, February 5, 2011

  5. ^ Terrorism: Muslim Brotherhood, Jewish Virtual Library

  6. ^ The Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘right-wing’ politics game, Bassem Youssef, Al Arabiya English, Wednesday, 1 May 2013

  7. ^ What Is the Muslim Brotherhood, and Will It Take Over Egypt?, Robert Dreyfuss, Mother Jones, February 11, 2011

  8. ^ Kevin Borgeson; Robin Valeri (9 July 2009). Terrorism in America. Jones and Bartlett Learning. p. 23. ISBN 978-0-7637-5524-9. Retrieved 9 December 2012.

  9. ^ "The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian State in the Balance of Democracy". Metransparent. Archived from the original on 5 October 2013. Retrieved 28 November 2012.

  10. ^ "Islamic Terrorism's Links To Nazi Fascism". Aina. 5 July 2007. Retrieved 28 November 2012.

  11. ^ "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is not to be trusted". Old Post-gazette. 22 January 2012. Retrieved 28 November 2012.

  12. ^ U.S. Department of State. "Chapter 6 -- Terrorist Organizations". Country Reports on Terrorism. Retrieved 14 November 2015.

  13. ^ Ghattas, Kim (9 February 2001). "Profile: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood". BBC.

  14. ^ "Bahrain News Agency - Bahrain backs Saudi Arabia, UAE, Foreign Minister says". Retrieved 3 November 2014.

  15. ^ Anadolu Ajansı (c) 2011. "Bahrain FM reiterates stance on Muslim Brotherhood". Retrieved 3 November 2014.

  16. ^ "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood declared 'terrorist group'". 25 December 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.

  17. ^ a b "Resolution of the State Duma, 2 December 2003 N 3624-III GD "on the Application of the State Duma of the Russian Federation" on the suppression of the activities of terrorist organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation" (in Russian). Berater Plus. Archived from the original on 1 January 2016.

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  • Mallmann, Klaus-Michael and Martin Cüppers (2006) Halbmond und Hakenkreuz: Das 'Dritte Reich', die Araber und Palästina Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3-534-19729-3

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  • Zahid, Mohammed (2012) The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's Succession Crisis: The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East I. B. Tauris ISBN 1780762178

  • Leikrn, Robert S. and Steven Brooke (2007) The Moderate Muslim BrotherhoodForeign Affairs.

  • "The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism and Islamic Jihad," by David Meir-Levi (2007).

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